“21 x New York City” will open the 56.KFF

The film by Piotr Stasik, “21 x New York City” will open the 56th Krakow Film Festival.


On May 29, at the grand Opening Ceremony of the 56th edition of the Festival, the world premiere of the latest film by Piotr Stasik, “21 x New York City” and at the same time the first competition screening this year will be held. 


“The film by Stasik is the world in a nutshell, these are 21 protagonists immersed in the metropolis of New York City. Lonely in the crowd, they are looking for their place on Earth. Their longings are seemingly banal: to live beautifully and to love strongly. Nothing makes them stand out in this, though they themselves differ in their age, skin colour and affluence. Meticulous film kaleidoscope forms a deep essay on the contemporary man, while the hypnotic cinematography and trance music get the viewers addicted from the very first shot,” says Krzysztof Gierat, the Director of Krakow Film Festival. 


“21 x New York City” is an intimate portrait of the city and its inhabitants. We get acquainted with the protagonists in the New York City subway, and we follow them to the surface in order to learn more about their lives, desires, passions, hopes and dreams – sometimes squandered, and sometimes still waiting for fulfilment. The documentary film by Stasik, a remarkable story about loneliness accompanying people living in the Western society of the 21st century, will be evaluated by the juries of two festival competitions: Polish and international documentary film competitions. 


The film, at post-production stage, was shown during the session Docs to Go! within the frames of the project DOC LAB POLAND at the last year’s Festival. Docs to Go! is a joint initiative of Polish Film Institute and Krakow Film Foundation, the aim of which is to promote and to present the most interesting Polish documentary films in post-production. The project received also the special award of Krakow Film Cluster. Production: Lava Films and TVP 2 with the support of Polish Film Institute. 


Piotr Stasik, director of documentary films, sociologist, cultural animator, born in 1976. He made his debut in 2005 with the film “7 x Moscow.” Awarded at international film festivals in Padua, Los Angeles, Kiev (“A Diary of A Journey”), Wiesbaden, Perm, Aix-en-Provence (“The Last Day of Summer”) and numerous festivals in Poland (Camerimage, Lubuskie Film Summer, Krakow Film Festival). He made his films in many countries, on several continents, where he looked at his protagonists in a similarly thorough way. His latest documentary film once again proves that geographical boundaries are not obstacles to knowing the essence of the most important human issues. 


56th Krakow Film Festival is held from May 29 to June 5, 2016. 


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