56th KFF – June 2nd

Screenings, Q&A and accompanying events happening on fifth day of the Festival.


Every day we invite you to the screenings of the competition films and non-competing section and for the Q&A with our guests and accompanying events. Here’s what happens on June 2nd. Festival Cronicle. 


11:00 AM
Pauza In Garden
CRITICAL MORNING by Anna Bielak with Katy Grannan, photographer and the director of the film “The Nine”


4:00 PM
Pod Baranami Cinema- The Blue Auditorium
10th Anniversary of the ’30 Minutes’


5:00 PM 
Kieślowski in documentary film 4
Screening of documentary films by Krzysztof Kieslowski


6:00 PM
Pauza In Garden
‘Czech and Polish documentary film in the time of Europeisation’


7:00 PM
“The excluded are among us” – the debate hosted by “Tygodnik Powszechny”


Q&A Sessions June 2nd, 2016

12:30 PM Kijów.Centrum | Short Film Competition 6 (93min), led by: Anna Bielak
1.“West Empire”
Mathieu Le Lay – director, editor, producer, writer

2. “Patriot”
Michelangelo Fano – producer


12:30 PM Mikro | Short Film Competition 5 (83min), led by: Joanna Chludzińska
1. “Nothing Has Ever Happened Here”
Ayat Najafi – director, writer, producer
Koohyar Kalari – cinematographer

2. “Cold Coffee”
Francois Leroy – director, writer, animator, editor
Stephanie Lansaque – director, writer, animator, editor


1:30 PM Pod Baranami Cinema – The Blue Auditorium | Panorama of the Polish Film 3 (111min), led by: Joanna Ostrowska
1. “Jonah in the Whale’s Belly”

2. “Don’t Cry When I’m Gone”
Zygmunt Sieradzki – producer


2:30 PM MOS 1 | DocFilmMusic Competition 8 (86 min), led by: Aleksandra Świerk
1. “Melody of Noise”
Gitta Gsell – director, writer, producer


3:00 PM Mikro | Documentary Competition 3 | National Competition 2 (71min), led by: Samuel Nowak
1. “21 x New York”
Piotr Stasik – director, writer, cinematographer, editor
Michał Fojcik – sound disigner
Agnieszka Wasiak – producer


4:30 PM Pod Baranami Cinema The Red Auditory | Marcel Łoziński Retrospective 4 (102min), led by: Krzysztof Siwoń
1. “The Wheel of Fortune”
2. “So It Doesn’t Hurt”
3. “If It Happens”
Marcel Łoziński – director, writer

5:00 PM MOS 2 | Documentary Competition 11 (83min), led by: Dagmara Romanowska
1. “Manor”
Pier-Luc Latulippe – director, producer, writer
Martin Fournier – director, producer, writer


6:00 PM Agrafka | Festival Award Winners 4 (105min), led by: Anna Bielak
1. “Stutterer”
Benjamin Cleary – director

2. “Don Juan”
Jerzy Sladkowski – director


7:00 PM Pod Baranami Cinama – The Red Auditory | Focus on Sweden 3 (114min), led by: Dagmara Romanowska
1. “Ingrid Bergman: In Her Own Words”
Stig Björkman- director, writer


8:00 PM Mikro | Short Film Competition 4 (94min), led by: Aleksandra Świerk
1. “Tsunami”
Sofie Kampmark – director, writer, cinematographer, editor

2. “Home”
Afolabi Kuti – producer

3. “99a, Frankfurt Street”
Evgenia Gostrer – director, writer, animator, cinematographer, producer, editor

4. “Two Childhoods”
Vladimir Golovnev – director, writer, producer, editor

5. “The Chop”
Lewis Rose – director, writer, editor


10:00 PM Agrafka | Somewhere in Europe 3 (70min), led by: Błażej Hrapkowicz
(Q&A before screening)
1. “Just Like the Movies”
Atanas Hristkov – director

Festival Cronicle


Kategoria: News.


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