



Grand Prix – Golden Hobby- Horse: „An Office”/ „Urząd” directed by Maria Zmarz – Koczanowicz – WFO

Silver Hobby- Horses

„Bytom” directed by Piotr Morawski – Irzykowski’s Studio

„The Tear”/ „Rozdarcie” directed by Krzystian Przysiecki – TVP

Bronze Hobby-Horses:

„A Sugar Cube”/ „Kostka cukru” directed by Jacek Bławut – WFO

„Parade”/ „Parada” directed by Jerzy Kucia – SFA

„Dancing Till Dusk”/ „Dotańczyć zmroku” directed by Andrzej Warchał – SFA

„The Workshop Exercises”/ „Ćwiczenia warsztatowe” directed by Marcel Łoziński – WFD

„I Was Born An Angel”/ „Urodziłam się aniołem” directed by Ewa Borzęcka – TVP


Professional Award:

for writting: Stanisław Manturzewski for „More Light”/ „Więcej światła” directed by S. Manturzewski – WFD

for cinematography: Andrzej Sawczuk for „1-1” directed by M. Koryncka – PWSTViT

for animation: Franciszek Pyter za film „Cockroach”/ „Karaluch” directed by Z. Kudła – SFR

for editing – ex aequo: Agnieszka Bojanowska for „A Dream” directed by B. Dziworski/ – WFO and Jolanta Kreczmańska for „Hair In The Soup”/ „W zupie włos” directed by A. Fidyk – TVP


Association „Wisła – Odra” Special Prize: „Is It Going To Be A War?/ „Czy będzie wojna?” directed by Krzysztof Magowski – WFD

The Journalist Prize „Warsaw Mermaid”: „Self- Portrait”/ „Portret własny” directed by Jacek Skalski – Studio Irzykowskiego

Honorary Diplomas:

„Workshops Exercises”/ „Ćwiczenia warsztatowe” directed by Marcel Łoziński – WFD

„Tasting Honey”/ „Smakowanie miodu” directed by Janusz Chodnikiewicz – Czołówka

Jury of Independent Film Writting Club SFP has decided to grant the „Golden Tape” Award to:

„The Beautiful Twenty-Year-Old”/ „Piękny dwudziestoletni” directed by Andrzej Titkow – WFD



Grand Prix – Golden Dragon: „Priedieł” directed by Tatiana Skabard (USRR)

Special Prizes – Golden Dragons:

Le paradoxe des empereurs” directed by Pierre Jouventin, Thierry Thomas (France)

Life Class” directed by Nick Willing (Great Britain)

Silver Dragons:

„An Office”/ „Urząd” directed by Maria Zmarz – Koczanowicz (Poland)

„Smaczkan swiat” directed by Bojko Kanew (Bulgaria)

Die Sterne Der Heimat” directed by Rainer Komers (Germany)

Vesmirna odysea II” directed by Jan Svérak (CSRS)


Professional Awards – Bronze Dragons:

for cinematography: David Philips for „To a Random” directed by Michael Burlingame (USA)

for music: „In Ictu Oculi/ Jose Hernandez” directed by Fernando Gonzalez de Canales (Spain)

for writting: Rajko Golić for „Pitka Voda i Sloboda II” (Yugoslavia)


Honorary Diplomas:

„The Cage”/ „Klatka” directed by Olaf Olszewski (Poland)

„Keby Som Bol Vtaĉkom” directed by Ondrej Slivka (CSRS)

The Shoes” directed by Mohammad Allouh (Jordan)

„The Nervous Living of the Universe”/ „Nerwowe życie kosmosu” directed by Piotr Dumała (Poland)


FIPRESCI Award: „Is It Easy To Be Young?”/ „Czy łatwo być młodym?” directed by Juris Podnijeks (USRR)

FICC Award – Don Kichote: „The Cage”/ „Klatka” directed by Olaf Olszewski (Poland)

FICC Special Mention: “Life Class” directed by Nick Willing (Great Britain)