KFF TALKS is a series of unique meetings and fascinating discussions with eminent not only from the film world. Hovering on the borderline of philosophy, science, natural sciences and humanities, they converse about the condition of the world and the place of a human being in contemporary reality.

KFF Talks: AI. Ugly, Dirty and Bad

Panelists: Anna Wasilewska, Sławomir Wojciechowski, Michał Bejger 

Host: Karol Jałochowski (

26.05 SUN 16:00-17:30 | PAŁAC POTOCKICH

On the one hand, it is marketed as salvation from daily routine, a facilitator of scientific reasoning and a catalyst of artistic efforts. On the other, as a destructive force hiding the machinations of the big capital under an attractive interface. What to think about artificial intelligence? Our special guests representing a variety of creative endeavours – literature, music and astronomy – will speak about it. All of them have their own concerns and hopes related to the increasing presence of AI. Are they different or similar? Or, possibly, when exploring this invention’s benefits and costs only, what is overlooked is its most intriguing aspect – separate, ‘inhumane’ sensitivity? 

In Polish only

Free admission


CASE STUDY: ‘Peter’s Plan’

28.05 TUE 11:00 | Kijów Studio

The protagonist of Grzegorz Pacek’s film ‘Peter’s Plan’ suffers from EHS syndrome and is allergic to electricity. During the making of the film, the crew had unique formal and technical challenges; they could not use electricity-powered equipment. The film was shot with a BOLEX 16mm crank camera, and a special device was constructed to record sound without electricity as well. During the case study, Grzegorz Pacek will talk about the idea and the formal difficulties in telling this story. Krystian Matysek, cinematographer – will present the method of filming. Joanna Napieralska will demonstrate  FONDUKTOR and recordings with the visualisation of a magnetic field. Producer Monika Braid will talk about the specifics of working with a traumatised protagonist and the new trend of ‘slow filming’.

KFF Talks: New narratives. Desinformation is not the (greatest) problem.

Talk with: dr Małgorzata Majewska   

Host: Dariusz Rosiak, Marcin Żyła (Raport o stanie świata)

28.05 TUE 17:30-19:00 | PAŁAC POTOCKICH

From Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin to historical movie scripts, alternative visions of history and contemporary politics feature in the media, films and television series. Never before did we have such an easy and inexpensive access to information. AI is already used by propagandists. Do subjective truths or rather new narratives based on them pose a new threat for the recipients of the media and culture? When creating them, do the authors of such fiction always enjoy unlimited freedom? The challenges faced by the media and the boundaries of art will be discussed by Małgorzata Majewska, Dariusz Rosiak and Marcin Żyła.

In Polish only

Free admission


Meeting with Ana Blandiana, a legendary Romanian poet, the main protagonist of the documentary Between Silence and Sin (dir. Diana Nicolae)

28.05 TUE 18:00 | Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury

Not very many people are aware of her real name – Otilia Valeria Coman. As a daughter of the ‘enemy of the people’, she had to adopt a new name, Ana Blandiana, to be able to have her poems published. Her poetry outraged Nicolae Ceaușescu and his entourage, but it enchanted and touched her readers and literature aficionados, also from outside of communist Romania. The new system did not change her. She remained a master of words, faithful to herself and critical of the authorities. The protagonist of Between Silence and Sin (dir. Diana Nicolae) will meet with her readers and the festival audience to talk about her work.


Free admission


Promotion of Jadwiga Hučková’s book Od Wiertowa do Skoniecznego. Chłopski los według kronikarzy, pamiętnikarzy i dokumentalistów. Meeting with the author.

28.05 TUE 17:00 | ASP 1

Od Wiertowa do Skoniecznego. Chłopski los według kronikarzy, pamiętnikarzy i dokumentalistów (From Wiertov to Skonieczny. Peasant Fate According to Chroniclers, Diarists and Documentarians) is a book exploring how documentary film shaped peasants’ perceptions and influenced changing attitudes to village life. The time frame, symbolically defined by the work of Dziga Wiertov and Zygmunt Skonieczny, demonstrates the importance of these images in shaping historical and social narratives. The discussion devoted to the image of the peasant in the twentieth century, created by documentary filmmakers, will be attended by the author Jadwiga Hučková, Ph.D., Professor at the Jagiellonian University, A. Marek Drążewski, Professor Anna Citkowska-Kimla and Professor Piotr Kimla.

In Polish only

Free admission
