Consumerism, Capitalism

18 films
  • And Don't Call Me Crazy (I nie mów o mnie wariat)

    dir. Dorota Skupniewicz

    The protagonist, who is treated at a mental health facility, carries out the vivisection of the psychiatric care system. Physicians do not have enough time to get to know and understand their patients. They formulate easy-to-classify diagnoses, prescribe pills and ‘normal’ life, such as work, family and stabilisation.

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    film still And Don
  • Been There (Być tam)

    dir. Corina Schwingruber Ilić

    Weekend trips, city breaks, a detour into nature or once around the world. Barely a few days off, you're already gone. Never before has the desire to travel been so widespread and visited places so overloaded. What do we get out of it, other than the picture proof that we have been there?

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    film still Been There
  • Buzz of the Earth (Bzukot Země)

    dir. Greta Stocklassa

    What if Hrabal and Forman could sit at the same table to discuss a space mission? Czech humour accompanies the biggest challenge for earthlings represented by a group of scientists and a female citizen, who was entered in the competition by her children. Everything may happen during this discussion. We are aliens after all.

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    film still Buzz of the Earth
    Awards:Special Award
  • Chords (Cuerdas)

    dir. Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren

    Rita has an important meeting with her fellow singers: the women’s choir to which she belongs is in danger of disbanding because they have lost the municipal subsidy with which they used to rent their rehearsal space.

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    film still Chords
  • Dark Cloud Memories (GiUkEun MukGuReum)

    dir. Seung-hee Jung

    In this futuristic vision of the world, memories are recorded in a virtual cloud. One day, the animation character loses all her images from the past, but she still believes she will be able to recover her memories. However, such messages as ‘Disk full. Buy a subscription. Battery low’ do not help the situation.

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    film still Dark Cloud Memories
    Awards:Silver Dragon
  • Don Benjamín

    dir. Ivan Zahínos

    An unpretentious and poetic journey through a magical, endangered region of the Amazon rainforest in Bolivia. People living in the jungle are trying to restore the original state of the areas stripped bare of any trees.

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    film still Don Benjamín
    Awards:Silver Dragon
  • Don Lewis and the Live Electronic Orchestra

    dir. Ned Augustenborg

    In the 1970s, Don Lewis, who was an electronic engineer and musician, constructed a synthesizer that could generate and mix sounds on an unprecedented scale. However, the story of success turned into a drama of a man striving for recognition and struggling with racial prejudice.

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    film still Don Lewis and the Live Electronic Orchestra
  • Flores del otro patio

    dir. Jorge Cadena
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    film still Flores del otro patio
  • Flowers of Ukraine (Kwiaty Ukrainy)

    dir. Adelina Borets

    On a flowery plot of land, in the middle of a block of flates in Kiev lives 67-year-old Natalia, who has been fighting for years against investors who would like to build another property in place of her house. And just when it seems that fighting the developers is the worst thing that happens to her, Russia's attack on Ukraine begins.

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    film still Flowers of Ukraine
  • Hardly Working (Hardly working)

    dir. Susanna Flock, Robin Klengel, Leonhard Müllner, Michael Stumpf

    "Hardly Working" sheds a limelight on the very characters that normally remain in the background of video games: NPCs.

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  • Joko

    dir. Izabela Plucińska

    Grotesque, Roland Topor and Plasticine, i.e. Izabela Plucińska returns yet again with an animation exposing human weaknesses, which is full of absurd and black humour. This time, using 600 dolls and 200 kilograms of plasticine, she shows the mechanisms of manipulation and social hierarchy.

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    film still Joko
  • Limits of Europe (Hranice Evropy)

    dir. Apolena Rychlíková

    A prominent Czech journalist leaves her family and joins “cheap labour force” in Western Europe. She experiences first-hand the struggles of Eastern European low-wage workers whose sacrifice and hard work allow for the Western society’s comfort.

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  • Monogamia

    dir. Ohad Milstein

    The director observes his senior parents whose relationship burned out a long time ago, for which his mother tries to compensate with shopaholism. The son initiates a psychodrama featuring his parents and at the same time tests his own marriage, which is falling into a routine. Is monogamy still the best form of a relationship?

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  • Ouvidor

    dir. Matias Borgström

    In Ouvidor, the largest art squat in Latin America, 120 artists from different countries resist constant eviction threats from a government with fascist tendencies in Brazil, while internal tensions are fueled by Red Bull's sponsorship of their Art Biennial.

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    film still Ouvidor
  • Smiling Georgia (ღიმილიანი საქართველო)

    dir. Luka Beradze

    Elderly population of village No Name is left teethless after a failed 2012 pre-election campaign "Smiling Georgia". Will their lives change as new promises and guarantees are made to them in sight of 2020 elections?

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    film still Smiling Georgia
  • There Will Be No Other End (Innego końca nie będzie)

    dir. Piotr Milczarek

    A depressing vision in which the end of the world is not spectacular and may arrive unnoticed. Humans are to blame for the failure – their stupidity, pride, thoughtlessness, lack of empathy and irresponsibility. A satire on contemporary society in five acts, which reveals human faults and weaknesses in a humorous way.

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    film still There Will Be No Other End
    Awards:Golden Hobby-Horse
  • The Masterpiece (La Gran Obra)

    dir. Álex Lora

    Leo and Diana, a rich couple, bring a broken TV to a recycle point. They meet Salif and his son, two scrap dealers. Diana asks them to come to their house to get more objects. Once there, Leo looks at them collecting objects with mistrust, until they see the scrap dealers have something they want.

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    film still The Masterpiece
  • When Harmattan Blows

    dir. Edyta Wróblewska

    As an 8-year-old girl, Barbara shared the fate of thousands of Ghanaian children who were forced into slave labour by their own parents. After many years she comes back to her family home to ask questions that have bothered her for her entire life.

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    film still When Harmattan Blows