BEZPIECZNIKI TAURONA- result of the competition

Last night at the Opening Ceremony the laureates have been announced.

During the Opening Gala of 54. Krakow Film Festival jury of the competition for the best screenplay, with Tadeusz Lubelski as the chairman, had announced winners:

  • I prize (5,000zł) for screenplay ‘Minibezpieczniki’ by Andrzej Tuchorski for the idea and artistic values
  • II prize (1,500zł) for screenplay ‘Energia i miecz’ by Ola Bielecka for educational values
  • III prize (1,500zł) for screenplay ‘Elektro- Man’ by Przemysław Jurek for ingenious use of science- fiction convention.

Congratulations to the winners!

Kategoria: News.


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