Boycot­ting “Cinema Verité” IDFF in Tehran

Krakow Film Foundation has joined the worl­dwide protest.

In reference to the alar­ming infor­mation coming from Iran about uncer­tain situation of arrested Iranian film­makers, inter­national documen­tary film­making milieu decided to unite and star­ted boycot­ting “Cinema Verité” Iran Inter­national Documen­tary Film Festival in Tehran.

It has been more than a month since the unfair arrest of six Iranian film­makers, three of whom – Moj­taba Mir­tah­masb, Meh­ran Zinat­bakhsh and Katayoon Shahabi, are still lan­guishing in Evin Prison in Teh­ran where they are for­ced to make a false con­fes­sions. Another two of them Jafar Panahi and Moham­mad Rasoulof were already sen­ten­ced to imprison­ment. As a form of opposing against this unjust status quo film­makers from all over the world decided to raise the protest against “Cinema Verité” Iran Inter­national Documen­tary Film Festival in Teh­ran, which 5thedition is to be held between 8th and 12th Novem­ber. Festival organized under the auspices of Iranian govern­ment regularly invites inter­national guests to Iran to por­tray a “benevolent” and “democratic” image of the Islamic Republic regime.

As a solidarity with the vic­timized Iranian film­makers many people decided to officially with­drawn their film from the festival. Polish direc­tors, producers along with Krakow Film Foun­dation represen­ting films selec­ted to the festival, have joined the worl­dwide protest and decided to with­drawn their films from screening in Teh­ran. Below listed titles were scheduled to be shown in Iran both in com­petitive and non-​competitive sections:

“38,5” by Grzegorz Dębow­ski
“Char­coal Bur­ners” by Piotr Złotorowicz
„That’s life” by Daniel Zieliń­ski
„La Machina” by Thierry Paladino
„Themer­son and Themer­son” by Wik­toria Szymań­ska
“Planet Kir­san” by Mag­dalena Pięta
“Komeda – a sound­track for a life” by Claudia Buthenhoff — Duffy

More infor­mation on protest can be found at Facebook.


Kategoria: News.


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