Bronisław Chromy’s birthday

Professor Bronisław Chromy, an author of statues for laureates of Krakow Film Festival for 55 years is having his 90th birthday today.

Bronisław Chromy – sculptor, professor of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, author of numerous sculptures which we pass every day in Cracow – with the Wawelski’s Dragon at the head – for our festival above all is the author of characteristic statuettes for winners. His last work, monumental Dragon of Dragons, found his way yesterday to Priit Pärn .

With the occasion of 50th anniversary of Festival, the idea arised – Krzysztof Gierat recalls. – for many years in the course of the festival in front of the Kino Kijów.Centrum stood a big dragon from papier-mâché. For the Jubilee we thought, that it would be a good idea, if in front of the cinema an original dragon stood. It turned out that at that time Bronisław Chromy had prepared the private order for the foreign customer which wanted to have such a dragon in the garden and we made a success by lending it. In front of Kino Kijów.Centrum stood a huge dragon which breathed fire. I remember that I visited the Professor then in his studio which looked like the dangerous, alchemic hall. I remembered him as a huge man, who breathed fire, because he had been creating a mechanism for the statue and I still have this memory in my mind.

Dear Professor, we wish you many, many more Dragons!

Smok Smoków, fot. Tomasz Korczyński

Kategoria: News.


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