Docs+Science at the 54th. KFF

This year’s edition has one new non competition section – Docs+Science presenting films on science.

This year’s edition has one new non competition section – Docs+Science organised jointly with Foundation for AGH and presenting films on science.
 Docs+Science is a non-competition thematic section which will join the programme of the Krakow Film Festival, this year starting on 25th May. It consists of documentaries about science, discoveries, innovations, as well as the people who are behind them – scientists, enthusiasts and explorers.
  – Every year we try to open a new "window" to the world and to show the reality from a new perspective– says Barbara Orlicz-Szczypuła, the director of the Programme Office. – Last year we inaugurated the competition DocFilmMusic, this year we want to reach for an entirely different audience – interested in new discoveries, technical innovations,conscious of the importance of scientific research in our daily lives.
 In the section Docs+Science viewers will have a chance to watch five films and meet with distinguished scientists who will comment on the discussed phenomena. The programme includes a journey in the footsteps of wolves living in the Carpathian Mountains (“The Wolf Mountains”); a chance to take a look at our planet from a different perspective (“Earth from Space”), a discussion on privacy and civil liberties on the Internet (“Terms and Conditions May Apply”); a visit to the Swiss CERN with the largest particle accelerator in the world (“Particle Fever”) and to an Amazon tribe Pirahã whose language does not include names for colours, numbers, past anf future tense (“The Grammar of Happiness”). Among guests there will be experts in particular domains.
 The coorganiser of the section Docs+Science is Foundation for AGH. – Since a long time we have been thinking about organising a review of films on science, so popular around the world – says Marta Czubajewska, the coordinator of the section from AGH University of Science and Technology. – In Paris there is Pariscience, in New York – Imagine Science Film Festival, and in the in the neighbouring Olomounc – Akademia Film Olomouc. Now films on science will also be screened in Kraków.
 Screenings and meetings will take place at AGH in Aula Bogdanka. After the films we invite you to take part in discussions with experts in the fields.
 Screening programme:
 26th May
 17.30 Terms and Conditions May Apply, 80′ 
19.30 The Grammar of Happiness, 52′
 guest: Jarosław Królewski
27th May
 17.30 The Wolf Mountains, 48′
19.30 Particle Fever, 100′
 guest: Prof. Henryk Okarma and Erik Baláž
28th May
 17.30 Earth from Space 115′
19.30 The Wolf Mountains, 48′
 guest: dr Łukasz Lamża
29th May
 17.30 The Grammar of Happiness, 52′
19.30 Earth from Space, 115′
 guest: Andrzej Muszyński
30th May
 17.30 Particle Fever, 100′
19.30 Terms and Conditions May Apply, 80′
 guest: Pawel Bruckman de Renstrom and Jolanta Olszowska
 Andrzej Muszyński –  author of „Południe” – a collection of reportage from the global South nominated for the Beata Pawlak Prize, and „Miedza” – a prose about the contemporary Polish province (both published by Czarne). The firstscholarship holder of R. Kapuściński Foundation – Herodot, laureate of the competition for the bestshort story at the International Short Story Festival in Wrocław, and a Kolos for his journey to the Burman Himalayas, where he documented the habits of the last Asian Pygmies. Laureate of A. Zawada Prize for the exploration of the northern Burma when he reached one of the last living head hunters Naga. Ihis next book devoted to that country will be published in autumn 2014. 
 Jarosław Królewski – cofunder and managing director of Humanoit Group and HG Intelligence S.A, companies developing B2B software supporting and implementing Business Intelligence issues and building the systems based on large volumes of data (BigData). Editor and  i originator of a bestselling book "E-Marketing" published in 2013 by PWN. Since 2010 he has been working at the AGH. He has a master degree in sociology and an engineer degree in computer science. Cofounder and cocreator of postgraduate studies in Internet marketing (fifth edition, more than 120 graduates) and E-Economy at the AGH, where he teaches, among others, Internet technologies and usability, as well as pursues a PhD and conducts research in the Department of Economic Sociology and Social Communication. He watches over the studies in E-Economy which in December 2012 was awarded the second prize (1 mln PLN) in the competition for the best study programme organised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. He is responsible for a team of 40 people representing IT and conducting practical courses in e-enterpreneurship and e-marketing. Professionally, he was involved in projects for many interesting clients, among others: Procter&Gamble, TVN S.A., Polkomtel, Maspex S.A., Simple S.A., Gino Rossi S.A., E-muzyka S.A.
 Henryk Okarma – Polish biologist, professor of biology engaged in researchonpredators – mostlywolf, lynx and wildcat. His detailed research interests also include: synurbisation of animals, conflict between man and wild animals, social dimension of conservation and management of natural resources (Human Dimensions). Academic teacher at the Jagiellonian University, director of the Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
 mgr inż. Jolanta Olszowska – coordinator of the Detector Control System (TRT DCS) of the ATLAS experiment. In the years 1976-81 she studied electronics at the AGH in Kraków. She began her professional carrer at the Department of Electronics at the Institute of Nuclear Physics (now being a unit of the Polish Academy of Sciences) in Kraków as a technician and, then, a constructor of equipmentfor the purpose ofexperimental physics. She worked on electronics of reading in the NA36 experiment at CERN / Geneva, and took part in the construction and launching of the system of triggering and data selection of H1 detector of HERA accelerator at DESY / Hamburg. Since 1993 she has been a member of the R&D project and a member of the TRT detector ATLAS experiment at CERN / Geneva. The TRT Krakow Group is responsible for the design, commissioning, operation maintenance and modernization of System of Control and Monitoring of the detector.
 dr hab. Pawel Bruckman de Renstrom – participant of physical analyses and coordinator of the Internal Detector alignment group of the ATLAS experiment.In the years 1987-92 he studies physics at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Later, his career has been linked with the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He wrote his PhD based on the data from the DELPHI experiment at CERN and habilitation based on his work in the ATLAS experiment. He has been involved in the ATLAS experiment since 2000. He participated and now leads a group responsible for a precise
construction of the detector’s geometry (alignmet). He took part in preparing a programme of a physical experiment, and now is involved in the analysis of data, mainly searching for the, so-called, New Physics. He is also CERN’s representative for contacts with the media in Poland.
 dr Łukasz Lamża (Copernicus Center) – doctor of philosophy specialising in the philosophy of nature. Author of numerous scientific and popular papers. Member of the Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies. Author of the book "Przekrój przez Wszechświat".
 Erik Baláž – Erik grew up under the highest Carpathian mountain range – the Slovak Tatras – spending most of his youth in wild nature. In 2002 he graduated from "Forest Ecology" at the Technical University in Zvolen with a thesis on Brown Bear biology. Already during his studies, he became actively involved in campaigns of the “Wolf Forest Protection Movement” (VLK) aimed at conservation of natural forests and large carnivores. He lead a successful campaign to protect the Ticha (the Silent) valley in the Tatra Mountains, a re-wilded area, which nowadays represents the largest wilderness area in Slovakia. He is the co-author of a bestselling book on bears and wilderness: “The Last Stronghold,” and the wildlife film: “Keeper of the Wilderness.” Erik initiated the Eastern Carpathians project within Rewilding Europe, and will play a key role in running it.
The honorary patronage of the section Docs+Science was taken by: the director of the National Science Centre prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Jajszczyk and the rector of AGH prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Słomka.
The partners of the section are: Akademia Film Olomouc, Faculty of Mining and Geoengineering, Grupa Naukowa Pro Futuro, Copernicus Festival, PZU, ZGH Bolesław. Media patronage: “Wiedza i życie”.


Kategoria: News.


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