Docs+Science. Pioneers – season two

Another edition of the review of documentary films about the greatest minds of our era


Pionierzy 2016, fot. Jakub Dąbrowski13335885_1308642009165125_8814846333408469050_n

Pioneers 2016, ph. Jakub Dąbrowski


After the unquestionable success of the last year’s screenings of the extraordinary documentary films, presenting the portraits of the brightest minds of our era, Krakow Film Festival and the Foundation for AGH invite you to the new cycle from the series Docs+Science. Pioneers. Thus, we begin the great countdown to the upcoming, 57th edition of the Festival.


PIONEERS is the series of film meetings with the greatest scientists, the initiator and creator of which is Karol Jałochowski, a science journalist. This year’s series will consist of three films about contemporary thinkers endowed with the courage to challenge existing paradigms. Away from the halls of the academia, in places of their own choice, the protagonists of the individual episodes consider the fundamental issues related to the reality. The series was produced by the daily POLITYKA, in co-operation with the Centre for Quantum Technologies at the National University of Singapore, headed by Artur Ekert – a scientific institution, which is the patron of this international enterprise. 


The first screening takes place on February 23, at 17:30.

“Charles H. Bennett: A Drinking Bird Mystery”




Charles H. Bennett – American thinker, physicist and the pioneer of information theory. He is best known for his research into surprising connections between physics, in particular quantum physics, and information. One of the fathers of quantum cryptography and the co-author of the revolutionary theory of quantum teleportation. We will follow in the footsteps of Bennett, who, in the autumn woods of Massachusetts and New York state, is looking for the traces of the past – his own and that of the humanity. Is this past lost forever? Can the events, which have not been recorded on film, be saved from oblivion?


PIONEERS II: Charles H. Bennett / A Drinking Bird Mystery / Trailer from Karol Jalochowski on Vimeo.


The programme of the series Docs+Science. Pioneers:

February 23, 2017, at 17.30: “Charles H. Bennett: A Drinking Bird Mystery”


March 30, 2017, at 17.30: “Freeman Dyson: Space dreamer”




April 27, 2017, at. 17.30: “Artur Ekert: A Model Kit”




The place:

AGH Building B8 Hall 010, 

The Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, al. Mickiewicza 30, Kraków


Admission to all screenings is free.

After each screening, a meeting with the director and experts is held.


Docs+Science is one of the newest permanent features of the programme at Krakow Film Festival; however, it has already managed to win a large group of fans, not only among the lovers of fascinating developments of science, but also among the enthusiasts of documentary films.


57th  Krakow Film Festival is held from May 28 to June 4 2017.

Kategoria: News.


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