Docs+Science = science and film

Krakow Film Foundation, together with the Foundation for AGH invite you for the fourth edition of the screenings of the most interesting science documentary films and meetings with experts within the frames of the series Docs+Science, held within the frames of the 57th Krakow Film Festival.



In the programme, intriguing documentaries about science, discoveries, innovations; but also films about the people who create science – scientists, enthusiasts and discoverers. This year’s films from all around the world are, among others, attempts to answer the questions bothering humanity, questions which keep on returning in the context of the developing technologies.


How do the biobanks, which store the genes of millions of organisms, really work? What secrets are hidden in the subglacial Lake Vostok? Is it possible to build a sun on Earth, which will provide us with clean and cheap energy? Can the software OpenCog really model human mind? What would we do if we did not have to work? What are the causes of economic collapses? We will also learn how environmental changes can influence traditional communities of Faroe Islands and we will try to unravel the mystery of 25 paintings by Hieronymus Bosch. We will also visit the primeval forest at the foot of Kriváň in the High Tatras.  



The programme: the 29th of May – the 2nd of June

The Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, AGH/Building B8/Halls 010A and 010B

6 p.m. / 8 p.m.


After screenings, there are meetings with the experts.


Let There Be Light, dir. Mila Aung-Thwin, Van Royko, (CAN) | 80’

MON|the 29th of May, 6 p.m. 

THU|the 1st  of June, 8 p.m.


Boom Bust Boom, dir. Ben Timlett, Terry Jones, Bill Jones, (GBR) | 74’

MON|the 29th of May, 6 p.m. 

WED| the 31st of May, 8 p.m.


Lake Vostok. At the Mountains of Madness, reż.|dir. Ekaterina Eremenko, (RUS) | 90’

MON|the 29th of May, 8 p.m. 

WED| the 31st of May, 6 p.m.


Jheronimus Bosch – Touched by the Devil, dir. Pieter van Huijstee, (NLD) | 87’

MON|the 29th of May, 8 p.m. 

THU|the 1st of June, 6 p.m.


Machine of Human Dreams, dir. Roy Cohen, (GBR) | 75’ | D

TUE | the 30th of May, 6 p.m. 

FRI | the 2nd of June, 8 p.m.


The Islands and the Whales, dir. Mike Day, (GBR, DNK) | 81’ | D

TUE | the 30th of May, 6 p.m. 

THU|the 1st of June, 8 p.m.


The Body as Archive, reż.|dir. Michael Maurissens, (GER, NLD, BEL, GBR) | 47’

TUE | the 30th of May, 8 p.m. 

FRI | the 2nd of June, 6 p.m.


The Immortal Forest, reż.|dir. Erik Baláž, (SVK) | 52’

TUE | the 30th of May, 8 p.m. 

THU|the 1st of June, 6 p.m.


The Future of Work and Death, reż.|dir. Sean Blacknell, Wayne Walsh, (GBR, USA, UGA) | 88’

WED| the 31st of May, 6 p.m. 

FRI | the 2nd of June, 8 p.m.


Golden Genes, dir. Wolfgang Konrad, Ursula Hansbauer, Clemens Stachel, (AUT)| 90’

WED| the 31st of May, 8 p.m. 

FRI | the 2nd  of June, 6 p.m.

Kategoria: News.


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