Documentary Competition – the results of the selection

20 films will compete for the Golden Horn.

 This year 20 films will compete for the Golden Horn. Below we present the results of the selection for the documentary competition.

The films which may take part in the competition have to be longer than 30 minutes.  10 medium-length film and 10 feature-length films will compete for the main award: the Golden Horn.  It is the eighth edition of the competition, which first appeared in the programme of the Krakow’s event in 2007.

"Krakow Film Festival has always been the haven for documentary films which are very humanistic, concentrate on human beings and their individual tragedies and joys, says Anna Ewa Dziedzic, the spokesperson of the Festival. "This year, we are more open to social and political problems, but the individual is still in the centre of our interest.”
The films we show fit quite well with the trend presenting protagonists entangled in history, such as the story about young Syrian revolutionaries ("Return to Homs"), the negotiators of peaceful coexistence of Serbia and Kosovo ("The Agreement"), patrols catching illegal immigrants on the Serbian-Hungarian border ("Superior Orders") or a story about the fight of the most famous boxer of the world, which he fought outside the ring to defend his religious beliefs ("The Trials of Muhammad Ali").
On the opposite side, there are films documenting family life, often very distant from the ideal vision of family. The authors of  "What’s next Karolinka – Norwid and Nicole" try to find out how Karolina, who made her début in the film "Cześć Tereska!” by Robert Gliński deals with the challenges of being a single mother. It is worth emphasising that the film picks up the threads taken up by the film „I co dalej z Tobą Karolinko”. Karin Ekberg accompanies with her camera the preparation for the separation of parents, who were married for 38 years and records their emotions ("A Separation"). Idan trains martial arts under the tutelage of his father, who in turn was taught by his father, a survivor of the Holocaust ("Choose to Fight").
The thread of the family is closely intertwined with history in the film "Once My Mother" by Sophia Turkiewicz, in which the director tries to find the reasons why her mother, an emigrant, left her in an orphanage, and the entire story is outlined against the background of the tale about the wanderings of Siberian deportees.
The documentary competition at the 54th KFF also looks at different facets of love. Janusz, in spite of having suffered a stroke, cannot imagine his life without diving; his girlfriend and physiotherapist Asia tries to dissuade him from this dangerous pastime ("Deep Love"); in spite of being paralysed, Tovie keeps on helping her customers to find their better halves ("Do you Believe in Love?"); the marriage of the minister of sport of Abkhazia with a much younger opera singer from Russia is not a bed of roses, particularly because cultural differences become apparent ("The Domino Effect").
The last competition title of the feature-length part will be supplemented later.  The lists of films qualified for the documentary and Polish competitions will be announced later this week.
The list of films qualified for the documentary competition:
Medium-length (up to 60 min. ):
1.     Killing Time, dir. Jaap van Hoewijk, 2013, Netherlands, 54 min
2.     Holanda del sol, dir. Daniel Abma, Florian Lampersberger, 2013, Germany, 45 min
3.     What’s next Karolinka – Norwid and Nicole, dir. Karolina Bendera, 2014, Poland, 60 min
4.     Blood, dir. Alina Rudnitskaya, 2013, Russia, 59 min
5.     The Agreement, dir. Karen Stokkendal Poulsen, 2013, Denmark, 59 min
6.     The Square, dir. Livia Gyarmathy, 2013, Hungary, 52 min
7.     Let them love, let them dream, dir. Monika Nawrot, Dominik Górski, 2013, Poland, 55 min
8.     Do you Believe in Love?, dir. Dan Wasserman, 2013, Israel, 50 min
9.     Superior Orders, dir. Viktor Oszkár Nagy, András Petrik, 2013, Hungary, 50 min
10. Choose to Fight, dir. Itay Livne, Israel 2013, 51 min.
Feature-length films (above 60 min. ):
1.     Deep Love, dir. Jan. P. Matuszyński, 2013, Poland, 84 min
2.     The Domino Effect, dir. Elwira Niewiera, Piotr Rosołowski, 2014, Poland, Germany, 76 min
3.     Where Time Stops, dir. Monika Grassl, 2013, Germany, 75 min
4.     Once My Mother, dir. Sophia Turkiewicz, 2013, Australia, Polska, 75 min
5.     The Trials of Muhammad Ali, dir. Bill Siegel, 2014, USA, 94 min
6.     Return to Homs, dir. Talal Derki, 2013, Syria, Niemcy, 90 min
7.     A Separation, dir. Karin Ekberg, 2013, Sweden, 70 min
8.     Two Raging Grannies, dir. Håvard Bustnes, 2013, Norway, Denmark, Italy, 78 min
9.     Garden Lovers, dir. Virpi Suutari, 2014, Finland, 73 min
Kategoria: News.


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