Dragon Forum 2013 – deadline extended

Deadline extended till 25th February.

Deadline for Dragon Forum 2013 has been extended. The new deadline is Monday, February 25th and this is an ultimate date. This decision is taken in order to give a chance to more filmmakers who are willing to develop their documentary projects under the artistic supervision of Victor Kossakovsky, great European director. Dragon Forum 2013 overall title is “Documenting Europe” and ideas dealing with European themes are especially favored. The Master will guide young filmmakers in developing of several personal films being at the same time a collective documentary statement, but also to make one great documentary movie about modern Europe that would be screened in cinema theaters.

Dragon Forum 2013 will feature one training session in Warsaw in the beginning of April, Pitching session in Krakow during Krakow Film Festival in the end of May, follow-up meetings in autumn during major Film Festivals in Europe (i.e. Leipzig, Warsaw, Amsterdam) and all year long artistic supervision.

Film projects shall be submitted on-line. The on-line submission is valid if followed by sending the signed form by post.

List of projects selected to participate in Dragon Forum 2013 will be announced in the beginning of March.

Dragon Forum 2013 regulations, schedule and on-line submission form are available at www.dragonforum.pl in “For Participants” section.

Here is Victor Kossakovsky’s message to future Dragon Forum participants: 

 source: dragonforum.pl

Kategoria: News.


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