Dragon Forum 2014: call for projects and consultations

Deadline for submitting projects for Dragon Forum 2014 has been extended till 4th April. The consultations will take place on 28th March.

Only one month left to the deadline for submitting documentary projects for Dragon Forum 2014 Pitching, that will take place in Krakow from 27th till 31st May, during 54th Krakow Film Festival. The deadline has been extended in order to give the possibility to take part in Dragon Forum consultations scheduled for March 28th. The new deadline for submitting projects is April 4th

This year organizers offer to all applicants a unique opportunity to consult their projects with Dragon Forum Experts. They will meet with authors of projects at Warsaw University on March 28th. It will be an occasion to make sure if the project is suitable for Pitching and to refine it prior to final submission. The participation in consultation is not the ultimate condition for being selected, what really matters is the quality of the project and its European dimension.

Filmmakers willing to consult projects are kindly requested to submit them on line HERE and then contact [email protected] for further details. There will be option to resubmit projects again, after consultation, but before the deadline on April 4th.

Please note that Selection Committee has rights to refuse to consult the project if it does not match with Dragon Forum quality requirements.

More about Dragon Forum: www.dragonforum.pl

Kategoria: News.


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