Festival passes and tickets

We would like to remind you about the possibility of booking festival passes. This year’s novelty – the pass for the selected cycle.

We would like to remind you about the possibility of booking the festival passes. This year’s novelty – the pass for the selected cycle. Next to the competition screenings, thematic cycles are an important part of the Festival. This year there are 14 cycles. Successively we present the sections and their films on our site.

The pass fon the chosen cycle costs 40 PLN and can be purchased at the box office  in the Festival cinemas –  Kijów.Centrum, Kino Pod Baranami, Centrum Kinowe ARS, Mikro and Sfinks.

We also encourgae you to watch our channel on youtube, where we present trailers for festival films.

Passes can be booked: HERE.


Kategoria: News.


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