Saint Lazarus's Miracle

Spain2016documentary57'Konkurs dokumentalny (2017)

On 17 December thousands of Cubans go on a pilgrimage to St. Lazarus hermitage located near Havana. In 2014 this was also the day when diplomatic relations between Cuba and the US were re-established. The pilgrimage is shown from the perspective of priests, local residents trying to make a quick buck on the religious cult and, above all, the pilgrims themselves. Some of them mortify their bodies in a spectacular way.

directed by
Nicolas Muñoz

He started his professional career with photography, then he left his job as a cinematographer in order to become a director, producer and screen writer. He has made 5 short films and 6 feature-length films, both documentary and fiction films. Many of his pictures have been awarded at international film festivals. In 2008, he wrote his first novel “Cenizas”, a winner of the prestigious Javier Torneo Award.

Erik Delgado
Nicolas Muñoz
Nicolas Muñoz
Teresa Cepeda (Toma 24)
Kadr z filmu Saint Lazarus's Miracle