THE BEKSIŃSKIS. A Sound and Picture Album

Poland2017documentary80'Konkurs dokumentalny (2017)Konkurs polski (2017)

Painter Zdzisław Beksiński, his wife Zofia and their son Tomasz, a well-known radio journalist and translator, were a typical and unconventional family, both at the same time. One of the father’s obsessions was filming himself and his family members. Using archival footage only, shot primarily by Zdzisław, as well many other materials, which have not been presented anywhere so far, the film tells a tragic story of the Beksińskis that has never ceased to fascinate Polish filmmakers.

directed by
Marcin Borchardt

Screen writer, director and film expert. Born in 1967, he is a director of documentary films, commercials, video clips and television programmes. He teaches short fiction film aesthetics at the Film School in Gdynia, avant-garde and experimental cinema as well as contemporary documentary filmmaking at the University of Gdańsk. He is an author of the monograph “Awangarda muzyki XX wieku. Przewodnik dla początkujących”.

Marcin Borchardt
Zdzisław Beksiński, Tomasz Beksiński, Zofia Beksińska
Marcin Dymiter
Radosław Ochnio
Dominik Jagodziński
Darek Dikti (Darek Dikti Ideas Office)
Kadr z filmu THE BEKSIŃSKIS. A Sound and Picture Album