Dreaming of Warsaw

Poland2017fiction17'Konkurs polski (2017)

The protagonists of the film are a father and his son. The man is struggling with basic financial problems and his child has diabetes. They are refugees who leave a closed immigration centre and try their luck or simply look for a quiet place to live in Warsaw. They find a desolate square where they may occupy a trailer, their temporary home. Their appearance, however, triggers the reluctance of the owners and the conflict with Polish neighbours escalates immediately.

directed by
Mateusz Czuchnowski

Fourth-year student of Cinematography at the Film School in Łódź. Previously, he earned his degree in Journalism and Social Communication from the Jagiellonian University, he was also a student at the Film Department of the Edinburgh College of Art. He is interested in the cinema which is close to man. In his further professional activity he would like to combine the functions of a director and cinematographer.

Mateusz Czuchnowski
Mateusz Czuchnowski, Marcin Wierzchowski
animated by
Marcin Sołtysik
Saman Amini, Joel Ibanez, Konrad Eleryk, Sebastian Jasnoch, Oskar Stoczyński, Piotr Krukowski
Daniel Spaleniak
Anna Blachowska
Alan Zejer
Agata Golańska (Polish National Film School in Łódź)
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