France2017documentary24'Konkurs krótkometrażowy (2017)
After many years, Jack comes back to his village in Paraguay. His beloved grandmother has died, yet her death does not evoke a sense of grief in him. His mother and aunt are trying to help him to find the lost emotions. He spends time with them browsing through old photos and sets off alone to see the places that he visited with his grandmother. Jack is different from his deeply spiritual, meditating mother. He is more down-to-earth; he left his country and forgot about many things. But the lost grief will crop up unexpectedly.
- directed by
- Chloé Bourgès
French film director. After many years of classical piano training, she decided to start education at the École nationale supérieure d'arts de Paris Cergy (ENSAPC), where she began her film adventure. In 2014, she made her first full-length film "Ceremony", and two years later – the short film "Encarnación". Now, she is working on a new project.
- cast
- Jack Rothert, Rosa Garcia, Magdalena Garcia Barrios, Norby Vera, Claudia Ricci
- sound
- Fred Piet, Victor Praud
- editing
- Antoine Plouzen Morvan, Fred Piet
- production
- Emmanuel Chaumet (Ecce Films)
- Photo