Under a Placid Sky

Poland2018documentary92'Konkurs polski (2018)

Unhurried in its rhythm, this impressionistic film portrays the director’s hometown. Her camera lens captures Dobrodzień (or Guttentag, which is its pre-war name) as a place marked with the memory of its former residents – Poles, Germans and Jews – and their complicated coexistence. Silent and patient observation gives the voice to old houses, post-industrial buildings and those witnesses to history and their descendants who still remember the glory days as well as the tragic fate of this multinational community.

directed by
Anna Konik

Video artist, photographer, painter and sculptor. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and in 2012, she earned a PhD in Fine Arts from the Department of Media and Scenography of the same school. In 2009, she was nominated to the Deutsche Bank Award Views 2009 and to the Passport award presented by the Polityka weekly. She has won a number of artistic and academic scholarships, including those granted by the AiR Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, L’Institut d’Etudes Avancées de Nantes and IASPIS – the Swedish Visual Arts Fund’s International Programme. Her works have been exhibited at many Polish and European art galleries.

Jędrzej Niestrój
Anna Konik
Maria Eichhorn, Józef Florczyk, Józef Grabiński, Piotr Górniak, Aniela Konik, Anna Konik
Kamil Sajewicz
Jędrzej Niestrój, Anna Konik
Agnieszka Kowalczyk, Anna Konik
Anna Konik
Kadr z filmu Under a Placid Sky