Once Aurora

Norway2019documentary72'Konkurs DocFilmMusic (2019)

She comes from the land of fiords, used to be called the child prodigy of Björk and is one of the most charismatic and enigmatic vocalists of the young generation. In the film, Aurora Aksnes opens the door to her magic world. The camera accompanies her also during the tour, in the process of music creation and in complicated relations with her close collaborators. The spectators receive the portrait of an uncompromising artist who changes and matures before their eyes at the same time trying to salvage her independent spirit and child-like sensitivity on the contemporary music market.

directed by
Stian Servoss, portret reżysera
Stian Servoss

Stian Servoss studied at the Noroff Academy of Film in Bergen. He has shot and edited music videos for several of Norway's biggest artists. Stian has also been working as a director and cinematographer for the docu-series The Fjord Cowboys. The Fjord Cowboys is the highest rated show in the history of the niche-channel TV 2 Zebra, and has been nominated for Norwegian Emmys ten times, winning twice. "Once Aurora" is his first feature documentary.

Benjamin Langeland, portret reżysera
Benjamin Langeland

He received his education at the Christiania College in Bergen, and worked at the production company Flimmer Film from 2014 - 2018. Over the last couple of years, Benjamin has directed, shot and edited a number of commercials and music videos. He was also the cinematographer and editor on the multi like series "Children Deported" (2015). Benjamin grew up in the same small town as Aurora and has known her and her family intimately for several. years, ensuring unfettered access to all aspects of her life. Once Aurora is his first feature documentary.

Stian Servoss, Benjamin Langeland
Olav Øyehaug
Lars Apneseth
Thorvald Nilsen
Kadr z filmu Once Aurora