The Revenge of the Diva

Sweden2019documentary79'Gdzieś w Europie (2019)

She was a true opera star who performed at almost all the most important stages, from the Royal Opera House to the Bolshoi Theatre. Magazine covers, albums and interviews were integral elements of her everyday life until everything suddenly ended. Journalists and music experts, sympathetic until then, started to increasingly criticise her and refer to her as the one who was difficult to collaborate with. Siv Wennberg withdrew herself but never surrendered. Thanks to the artist’s persistence and perseverance, the viewers can accompany her during her preparations for a great stage comeback after many years.

directed by
Gustav Ahlgren, portret reżysera
Gustav Ahlgren

Emelie Jönsson, portret reżysera
Emelie Jönsson

Gustav Ahlgren, Ellinor Hallin
Gustav Ahlgren, Emelie Jönsson
Siv Wenbberg, Siv Wennberg
Benny Persson
Alexandra Litén, Nils Nochi, Matts Barrett
Gustav Ahlgren, Daniel Pynnönen, Emelie Jönsson (Picky Pictures)
Kadr z filmu The Revenge of the Diva