Little Miss Fate
Switzerland2020animated8'Konkurs krótkometrażowy (2020)
- directed by
- Joder von Rotz
Born 1987 in Kerns, Switzerland. Apprenticeship as structural draftsman. 2012 - Bachelor of Arts in Animation at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. 2013 – co-founder of YK Animation Studio GmbH in Berne. Since then he has been working as manager, producer and director. “Little Miss Fate” (2020), it's his directorial debut.
- cinematography
- Aira Joana, Lukas Pulver, Joder von Rotz, Lorenz Wunderle
- script
- Joder von Rotz
- animated by
- Fela Bellotto, Aira Joana, Martine Ulmer, Lorenz Wunderle, Kerstin Zemp, Lukas Pulver, Joder von Rotz
- music
- Philipp Schlotter
- sound
- Etienne Kompis, Thomas Gassmann
- production
- Lukas Pulver, Fela Bellotto (YK Animation Studio)
- Photo
- Trailer