Just for a While

Poland2021fiction19'Konkurs polski (2021)

On a beautiful sunny day, among lush greenery, singing birds, humming grasses, buzzing insects, there are the two of them – two women of a different age. So much divides them and, at the same time, so much attracts them to each other. They know each other so well. They are so close to each other. What is the secret behind their bond? What can they learn from each other? Where are they heading pushed by ‘one more moment’ spent together? This ambiguous, surprising and subtle cinema is about halftones when it unfolds in a serene and lazy holiday rhythm touching us with its warmth.

directed by
Zuzanna Gorczycka, portret reżysera
Zuzanna Gorczycka

Graduate of the Film Art Organisation Department at the Film School in Łódź. She was born in 1998 in Warsaw. Currently, she lives in Mexico where she would like to continue her film education. Her previous film "Recharge" directed by Michał Hytroś, where she was a production director, was selected for screening at film festivals in Poland and abroad. "Just for a While" is her short film debut.

Adam Pluciński
Zuzanna Gorczycka, Adam Pluciński
Dorota Kolak, Wiktoria Filus, Kacper Dykban
Grzegorz Maciąg
Grzegorz Maciąg
Yakiv Komarynsky
Zuzanna Gorczycka
Kadr z filmu Just for a While