Tell Me My Story

Poland2022documentary22'Konkurs polski (2022)

Magda was brought up in an orphanage. She never met her parents. As an adult, she finally decides to look for them. The filmmakers accompany the protagonist in her search, which stumbles upon huge obstacles from the very start. Consecutive clues lead to nowhere, every attempt to uncover the truth crashes against the wall. Why was Magda so mercilessly rejected by her family? Can she overcome a conspiracy of silence and eventually leave the painful memories behind her?

directed by
Maciej Miller, portret reżysera
Maciej Miller

Director and cinematographer. Born in 1994 in Olsztyn, he holds a degree in Film Directing from the Gdynia Film School. His graduation documentary Between Us, which premiered at the Busan International Short Film Festival, has been screened at nearly 30 international festivals and won 11 awards. As a cinematographer, he represented Poland at the Cannes Film Festival, being the author of photography for a short film competition nominee.

Maciej Miller
Maciej Miller
Magdalena Mika
Maciej Milewski
Maciej Miller, Kinga Zuchowicz
Monika Stachowicz
Ewa Jastrzębska, Jerzy Kapuściński (Munk Studio - Polish Filmmakers Association), Jakub Maj (Maj Film Produkcja Filmowa), (Warmińsko-Mazurski Fundusz Filmowy), (Centrum Edukacji i Inicjatyw Kulturalnych w Olsztynie)
Kadr z filmu Tell Me My Story