Mandatory Presence

Poland2021fiction25'Międzynarodowy konkurs filmów krótkometrażowych (2022)Konkurs polski (2022)

Full of irony and sometimes grotesque, the film is a bravado commentary on the socio-political and pandemic reality of Poland, or perhaps of the world. The protagonist is a lonely middle-aged man. He has just moved into a claustrophobic flat and voilà... the world ends. He spends his weeks searching for more and more absurd activities, interwoven with post-apocalyptic visions. Personal, even intimate, themes are mixed with observations of a more universal nature. The distinctive form and lucidity of the reflections make this film something you want to talk about. And the louder we laugh, the more it can hurt.

directed by
Adam Ziajski, portret reżysera
Adam Ziajski

Theatre director, actor and producer. He was born in 1972 in Poznań. He is a graduate of Cultural Studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, the founder and leader of the Strefa Ciszy Theatre, one of the most acclaimed Polish street theatres. He collaborates with the Śląski Theatre in Katowice and the Nowy Theatre in Poznań. Permanently associated with Scena Robocza, a performance art project of which he is the originator and artistic supervisor

Rafał Pogoda, Bernard Śmiałek
Adam Ziajski
animated by
Jędrzej Guzik
Arti Graboski
Maciej Frycz
Maciej Frycz, Arkadiusz Namysłowski
Jędrzej Guzik
Adam Ziajski
Kadr z filmu Mandatory Presence