7 Words About Passing Away

Poland2022documentary9'Konkurs polski (2022)

Juxtaposing sophisticated shots of cemeteries with statements by children and adults about death, the filmmakers are trying to take a peek behind the curtain hiding answers to ultimate questions. How does our perspective on passing change with age? Who is closer to the truth about the end of life: cold faces from tombstones or eyes and hands of the living sharing their reflections and fears with us? Will the eponymous seven words bring us closer to the truth?

directed by
Łukasz Iwanicz, portret reżysera
Łukasz Iwanicz

Born in Warsaw. Third-year student of Film Directing at the Warsaw Film School. He made his debut with a short documentary film “7 words about passing away” at the 62nd Krakow Film Festival. He's interested in reportage photography.

Łukasz Iwanicz
Łukasz Iwanicz
Grzegorz Lindemann
Wojciech Zboina, Grzegorz Lindemann
Łukasz Iwanicz
Maciej Ślesicki (Warsaw Film School)
Kadr z filmu 7 Words About Passing Away