All That Breathes

USA, United Kingdom, India2022documentary97'Międzynarodowy konkurs filmów dokumentalnych (2022)

In one of the world’s most populated cities, cows, rats, monkeys, frogs, hogs and snails jostle cheek-by-jowl with people. Here, two brothers fall in love with a bird - the black kite. From their makeshift bird hospital in their tiny basement, the "kite brothers” care for thousands of these mesmeric creatures that drop daily from New Delhi’s smog-choked skies. As environmental toxicity and civil unrest escalate, the relationship between this family and the neglected kite forms a poetic chronicle of the city’s collapsing ecology and rising social tensions.

directed by
Shaunak Sen, portret reżysera
Shaunak Sen

Shaunak Sen is a filmmaker and film scholar based in New Delhi, India. Cities of Sleep (2016), his first feature-length documentary, was shown at various major international film festivals (including DOK Leipzig, DMZ Docs and the Taiwan International Documentary Festival, among others) and won 6 international awards. Shaunak received the IDFA Bertha Fund (2019), the Sundance Documentary Grant (2019), the Catapult Film Fund (2020), the Charles Wallace Grant, the Sarai CSDS Digital Media fellowship (2014), and the Films Division of India fellowship (2013).

Benjamin Bernhard, Riju Das
Roger Goula
Charlotte Munch Bengtsen
Aman Mann (Kiterabbit Films), Teddy Leifer (Rise Films)
Kadr z filmu All That Breathes