
USA2013documentary87'Godfrey Reggio Retrospective

The film is a sequence of 74 black and white takes, each about a minute long, shot with exquisite precision and then significantly slowed down. We do not know whose faces we can see in big close-ups, where the desolate places portrayed in the film are located, what operates the hand shown in an abstract ballet interaction with an invisible keyboard or where the statuesque gorilla with a grim look that cannot be ignored comes from. Watching ‘Visitors’ is a very direct and intense contemplative experience. The most fascinating emotions are recorded on the faces of anonymous persons filmed from up-close against a black background when they are looking straight into the camera lens.

directed by
Q&A guest, portret reżysera
Godfrey Reggio

Born in 1940 in New Orleans. Pioneer of the film form, creating poetic images with extraordinary emotional impact. In 1972, he founded the non-profit foundation Institute for Regional Education; two years later, with the support of the American Civil Liberties Union, he protested against media manipulation, sociotechnics, subliminal advertising, and invasion of privacy. He promoted environmental awareness and a return to lost spirituality. He claimed that: the most practical thing in life is idealism. He is the author of the famous Qatsi Trilogy ('Trilogy of Life'): Koyaanisqatsi - 'Life Out of Balance' , Powaqqatsi - "Life in Transformation", Naqoyqatsi - "Life as War". His other films include the short 'Evidence', focusing on the impact of cinema on children, the documentary 'Anima Mundi' - a celebration of the world's fauna, and 'Visitors' showing humanity's trance-like relationship with technology. His latest film is 'Once Within a Time'.

Trish Govoni, Graham Berry, Tom Löwe
Godfrey Reggio
Philip Glass
Chris Besecker, Jon Kane
Lawrence Taub, Godfrey Reggio, Phoebe Greenberg, Penny Mancuso, Jon Kane, Mara Campione
Kadr z filmu Visitors