Emilio Barreto: Angels and Demons

Spain2024documentary26'Międzynarodowy konkurs krótkometrażowy (2024)

In Paraguay under the Stroessner regime, almost 400 people vanished without any trace and several hundred thousand ended up in prison, where they were tortured. One of them was Emilio Barreto, a young actor who was detained for 13 years altogether, although never convicted of any crime. Together with his wife, he was abducted within less than a month after their wedding. His beloved Nimia, who was released before him, waited for her husband to return home over the next years. Many years later, Emilo harks back to those events in his memories.

directed by
Cris Arana, portret reżysera
Cris Arana

Film director and screenwriter, born in Paraguay, 1985. She began writing and directing short films in 2018 and currently she is working on her first feature film. “Emilio Barreto: Angels and Demons” is her fifth short film as a director and her first documentary, after the narrative shorts “Y agua en guaraní” (2022), “Transition” (2019), “Workingay” (2019) and “Package” (2018).

Diego Benítez
Cris Arana
Manuel Apodaca, Germán Acevedo
Jorge Pérez Paiva, Javier Duch
Cris Arana
Kadr z filmu Emilio Barreto: Angels and Demons