Cyborg Generation


The sense of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch make the apparatus bestowed upon us by evolution. We navigate the world of senses using the five coordinates listed above. Science and technology propose to expand this set by additional dimensions, which are already employed, not always legally, by the explorers of new territories – artists, such as the one portrayed by the director. A simple implant equips him with an ability to listen to the rhythm of colliding particles of cosmic radiation and interlace it into his music. He may, to a fuller extent, express the sensitivity stifled by conservative society. Being a cyborg means being slightly more free.

Partner of the Docs+Science project
directed by
Q&A guest, portret reżysera
Miguel Morillo VegaQ&A guest

He has a degree in documentary filmmaking. Since he graduated in 2017 in ESCAC (University of Barcelona), he has worked on projects as acting director in films such as 'La última virgen', which won the best short film prize at the “Festival de Cine de Málaga” and the “Premios Gaudí”. After to the success of this film, Miguel had the opportunity to develop and produce his first feature film during the last 5 years.

Marti Herrera
Miguel Morillo Vega
Kai Landre, Neil Harbisson, Moon Ribas, Manel de Aguas
Harto Rodriguez
Mon Rodriguez
Leonie Pokutta (LANDIA FILMS SLU)
Kadr z filmu Cyborg Generation