A Girl With a Devil
Poland1975fiction16'Pokaz specjalny: 75 lat WFO (2024)
The ballad ‘A w niedzielę z porania...’ , one of the oldest relics of Polish folk culture, is the plot of the film. The ballad tells the story of a village girl, Kasia, who led a promiscuous life and murdered three illegitimate children. One Sunday morning, after leaving church, she meets a young man who turns out to be the devil. He kidnaps Kasia into hell. The staging, the set design and the conception of the picture are faithful to the folk theatre concept of a nativity play, tinged with the atmosphere of a morality play.
- directed by
- Piotr Szulkin
- cinematography
- Jacek Zygadło
- script
- Piotr Szulkin
- editing
- Anna Nawrocka, Hanna Wojtczyk
- production
- (Wytwórnia Filmów Oświatowych w Łodzi)
- Photo