
Japan2023animated15'Międzynarodowy konkurs krótkometrażowy (2024)

A young girl and a river otter in an empty town do not develop into a story of great friendship between a human being and an animal. The walking girl almost fails to notice the otter that follows her. The protagonists are trying to establish some contact but they are total strangers as if they have never met. Together, focused, they watch their world perish slowly. The starting point for this contemplative animation is the extinction of the river otter in Japan in 2012 – which is what we learn from a lovely song at the end.

directed by
Akihito Izuhara, portret reżysera
Akihito Izuhara

A director of animated films, producer and creator of video installations and interactive works. Born in 1964 in Gifu Prefecture. He has made short animations from 2005. His films were presented at the most important international film festivals, e.g. Berlin International Film Festival (2010 - "The Song of Red Forest", 2012 - "Li.Li.Ta.Al", 2016 - "Vita Lakamaya"). In 2023 his film "Otter" won the Japan Premier Award at the Sapporo International Short Film Festival.

Ikuko Mizokami, Akihito Izuhara
animated by
Akihito Izuhara
Tetsuro Nishi, Soragoro Uwanosuke
(Studio Mangosteen)
Kadr z filmu Kawauso