Here For You [PL audio description]

Poland2024fiction20'Konkurs polski (2024)Audiodeskrypcja PL + napisy rozszerzone (2024)

Bartek’s mother would like to prepare her son for the worst and at the same time the inevitable, i.e. her own death. She secures his financial and legal future, teaches him what to do when the time comes. And although the boy with trisomy is an attentive listener, completely different thoughts have absorbed his mind and his heart. He has just met a wonderful girl and fell in love for the first time. With tenderness and a tad of subtle, sometimes even black, humour, the film depicts the need of love, intimacy and closeness experienced by persons with Down syndrome. Subtle cinema, full of hope and excellent acting, both on the part of Katarzyna Figura, a famous Polish star, and young actors exhibiting charming honesty and naturalness.

directed by
Cezary Orłowski, portret reżysera
Cezary Orłowski

Director of short films and creator of theatrical forms. He was born in 2001 in Police near Szczecin (Poland). He grew up behind the scenes of theatres, which shaped his view of the world. He studied Theatre Knowledge at the Theatre Academy in Warsaw and is currently studying directing at the Warsaw Film School. He is passionate about bringing history to life and constantly searching for a world where no one has been before.

Mikołaj Piekarski
Cezary Orłowski
Katarzyna Figura, Szymon Grzech, Paula Rakowska
Jan Ziewiecki
Maciej Ślesicki (Warsaw Film School)
Kadr z filmu Here For You [PL audio description]