Films from Wajda School at Muranow

The premiere of the films from Wajda School awarded at 51st KFF at Muranow cinema in Warsaw.

The premiere of the films produced by Wajda School and awarded at 51st Krakow Film Festival will take place on 5th July, 8 p.m. at Muranow cinema in Warsaw. The screening includes:  "Decrescendo" by Marta Minorowicz, "Bon Appetit" by Kuba Maciejko, "Paparazzi" by Piotr Bernaś and "3 Days of Freedom" by Łukasz Borowski.

"Paparazzi" has gained the nomination for European Film Award 2011 in the Best Short Film category, "Decrescendo" has received Special Mention in the International Short Film Competition and Kuba Maciejko has received Maciej Szumowski Award for remarkable social awareness for "Bon Appetit". "3 Days of Freedom" was selected for Polish film Panorama – the cycle presenting the newest and the most interesting Polish films of the last year.

The filmmakers of all the films will attend the premiere.


Kategoria: News.


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