Industry Zone at 53rd KFF – Summary

Krakow Film Market & Industry Zone 2013 summary.

This year’s Industry Zone, aimed at professionals working with documentaries, short feature films and animations, took place during the 53rd edition of Krakow Film Festival – 27th May to 2nd June. One of the central points of Industry Zone’s programme was the Krakow Film Market, the Dragon Forum and Docs to Go! presentations.

Industry Zone had a new office this year – it was housed in the Arteteka at MOS, which hosted also the Reception and the Office of the Krakow Film Festival. Thanks to that the festival guests could easily get to the the Video Library of the Film Market, which resulted in a higher than usual turnout.

About 1000 films applied to the Market, from which after a careful selection, the organizers chose over 270 titles. As always, our partners -– East Silver, DOK Leipzig, Thessaloniki International Documentary Film Festival, Swiss Films and Visions du Reel – prepared a variety of the most interesting documentaries recommended by them and divided into specially designed sections.

All selected films have appeared in the market’s catalogue and were available to watch during the Film Market at the digital video library. The extremely efficient, unique program for watching movies, introduced by the organizers seven years ago, was a pioneering project in Europe and one of the first systems of its kind in the world. In addition to a multi-functional browser with all the films stored on the Market’s server, the system is also equipped with a set of tools allowing the viewer to make a direct online contact with the film’s copyright holder, as well as to make notes and comments, which are sent in an instant to the registered participant’s e-mail address. The system also requires the viewer’s evaluation of the film, which is included in the report for the producer/distributor, who receives by e-mail a daily list of how many people and who exactly has watched the film and allows quick contact. After the Film Market, the producer/distributor receives a general report summarizing the appearance of their film at the market.

This year, 166 accredited guests watched the films at the Video Library, and among all the participants of the Krakow Film Market were festival programmers: Grit Lemke, DOK Leipzig (Germany), Paolo Moretti, Visions du Reel (Switzerland), Patricia Drati Rønde, CPH:DOX International Film Festival (Denmark), Senta van de Weetering, Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur (Switzerland), Gennady Koffman, DocuDays (Ukraine), Petr Kubica, Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival (Czech Republic) Sinai Abt, Doc Aviv (Israel), Illia Gladshtein, Molodist International Film Festival (Ukraine), Hana Kulhankova, One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival (Czech Republic), Kyrylo Marikutsa, Kyiv International Short Film Festival (Ukraine), Dominika Akuszewska, Raindance Film Festival London (Great Britain), Laurence Boyce, Sleepwalkers Film festival (Estonia), Michał Dudziewicz, Plus Camerimage Film Festival (Poland),Veton Nurkollari, Dokufest Kosovo (Kosovo), distributors and sales agents: Cinzia Spironello, Some Like It Short (Spain), Ina Rossow, Deckert Distribution (Germany), Kate Garner, Journeyman Pictures (Great Britain), Tom Vaughan, Future Shorts (Great Britain), Filippo d’Angelo, Vitagraph (Italy), Marija Knezevic, Taskovski Film (Great Britain), Donatien Pierda, Java Films (France), Patricie Pouzarova, EYZ Media GmbH (German); as well as film experts and television channels representatives.

All in all, the films stored in the Video Library have been viewed 3091 times. Over 120 films have more than 10 views each.

The most popular films statistics:

– Father and Son, dir. Paweł Łoziński – 61 views
– Father and Son on a Journey, dir. Marcel Łoziński – 55 views
– The Lust Killer, dir. Marcin Koszałka – 45 views
– A Diary of a Journey, dir. Piotr Stasik – 43 views
– The Big Leap, dir. Kristoffer Rus – 40 views
– Everything Is Possible, dir. Lidia Duda – 34 views
– Love, dir. Filip Dzierżawski – 34 views
– Darling, dir. Izabela Plucińska – 32 views
– A New Dream – Krzysztof Warlikowski, dir. Marcin Latałło – 31 views
– Killing Auntie, dir. Mateusz Głowacki – 30 views

Top rated films:

– Father and Son on a Journey, dir. Marcel Łoziński
– Father and Son, dir. Paweł Łoziński
– A Diary of a Journey, dir. Piotr Stasik
– Killing Auntie, dir. Mateusz Głowacki
– The Easter Crumble, dir. Julia Kolberger

Most of the films presented at the Video Library will have a chance to appear on the Krakow Film Market Online. This all year’s platform, working in a similar way to the stationary maket, gives the registered professionals from the film industry an access to the newest Polish documentaries, shorts and animations from every place in a world at any given time. It is also a great opportunity to learn about the achievements of Polish filmmakers for those from the industry, who weren’t able to come to the Krakow Film Festival. The Krakow Film Market Online will be updated with the newest titles in September.

In addition to the Film Market, the rich Industry Zone’s programme included also discussion panels, individual meetings, conferences etc. The guests of the Industry Zone we able to participate in a Dragon Forum pitching, visited as every year, by commissioners and film experts. During the presentation, they had a chance to see several projects for documentary films from across Europe. For the first time, Industry Zone held a seminar dedicated to the promotion of animated films -Animating the Promotion, part of which was a presentation of Polish animations in the work progress stage. Eight films seeking areas of distribution took part in the second edition of Docs to Go!, a presentation of Polish documentaries in postproduction prepared in co-operation with the Polish Film Institute. A review of Swiss films was accompanied by a conference ‘Focus on Switzerland’, the participants – representatives of the Swiss audiovisual industry talked about the production, promotion and distribution of Swiss documentaries, as well as about film education in their country. This year’s winner of the Dragon of Dragons Award Paul Driessen gave a master class about his method of working on an animated film. During the meeting with Marion Döring one could learn how to apply for the European Film Award. In the Case Study dedicated to fundrising in documentary film, where Martichka Bozhilova from Agitprop in Bulgaria and Sławomir Grunberg, a filmmaker and a producer from the US shared their experience, one could also learn about funding in the production of a documentary and take part in a copyright workshop.

It’s a tradition, that the FilmPro Magazine is the co-organizer of the individual meetings with industry experts invited to the Film Pro Industry Meetings. The filmmakers from all over the world visiting the Krakow Film Festival were able to meet with the distributors, among many others: Rise and Shine World Sales (Germany), Deckert Distribution (Germany), EYZ Media GmbH (Germany), Some Like It Short (Spain), Journeyman Pictures (Great Britain), Java Films (France), Sideway Films (Great Britain), Taskovski Films (Great Britain), Future Shorts (Great Britain), Vitagraph (Italy), as well as the film festivals’ programmers, including: Winterthur International Short FF (Switzerland), Molodist International FF (Ukraine), Berlinale (Germanyy), Doc Aviv International Documentary F
F (Israel), CPH:DOX International FF (Denmark), Festival dei Popoli – International Documentary FF (Italy), One World International Human Rights Documentary FF, (Czech Republic), Raindance FF (Great Britain), Visions du Reel (Switzerland) and Dokufest (Kosovo).

Some of the Industry Zone guests have talked about the festival with Polish Docs editors. Interviews with Grit Lemke, Veton Nurkollari, Patricia Drati Rønde and Kate Garner can be found HERE.

Industry Zone Producer: Krakow Film Foundation

Partners: Krakow Festival Office, Krakow Film Commssion, Voivodeship’s Main Public Library in Krakow, MOS (The Lesser Poland’s Art Garden)

The projects has been realised with the financial support of the: Polish Film Institute, Polish Filmmakers Association, Voivodeship of Lesser Poland, City of Krakow, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland, the MEDIA Programme.

Media patronage: Film PRO

Kategoria: News.


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