KFF at Berlinale 2014

The representatives of Krakow Film Festival will attend Berlinale 2014.

The representatives of Krakow Film Festival will attend Berlinale 2014, which will take place between 6th and 16th February. If you would like to discuss the cooperation with our festival or talk to us about your projects, we will be happy to meet you. To set a meeting with a member of our team, reach us via e-mail:

  • Krzysztof Gierat, Festival Director, in Berlin from February 7th to 12th: krzysztof.gierat(at)kff.com.pl
  • Barbara Orlicz-Szczypuła, Director of the Programme Office, in Berlin from February 9th to 12th: barbara.orlicz(at)kff.com.pl
  • Katarzyna Wilk, Industry Zone Coordinator, in Berlin from February 9th to 12th: : katarzyna.wilk(at)kff.com.pl
  • Anna E. Dziedzic, PR Manager, in Berlin from February 7th to 14th: anna.dziedzic(at)kff.com.pl



Kategoria: News.


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