KFF Industry: DOC LAB POLAND announced the selection of the projects

A total of 20 projects have qualified to the 9 th DOC LAB POLAND, the largest program for documentary filmmakers in Poland. Participants will get to attend workshops with experienced tutors while their projects will ultimately be presented to an international group of experts at the Docs to Start and Docs to Go pitch sessions during KFF Industry in June in Krakow.h Docs to Start i Docs to Go podczas KFF Industry w czerwcu w Krakowie.

DOC LAB POLAND is organised by the Władysław Ślesicki Film Foundation in cooperation with the Krakow Film Festival and KFF Industry. It is headed by Adam Ślesicki and Katarzyna Ślesicka. DOC LAB POLAND has been organised since 2015 and remains a programme devoted to the comprehensive development of documentary projects in an atmosphere of peer discussion, made with producers and directors in mind. The eight editions concluded to date have resulted in more than 190 projects being developed and presented, with some 80 films already winning awards around the world

Among the films at the development or editing stage that will take part in the workshop there are several new projects directed by acclaimed and award-winning filmmakers, including Agnieszka Zwiefka, Małgorzata Goliszewska, Edyta Wróblewska, and Łukasz Czajka. Participants develop their projects as part of the component appropriate to the stage their project is at. Directors and producers qualified for the Start component work on films in the development or early shooting phase, while participants in the Go component develop films that are in the editing phase. The creators of the projects that participate in the workshop will have the opportunity to present themselves in front of industry representatives at KFF Industry events during the Krakow Film Festival. Directors and producers of the best projects also have the chance to win prizes in the form of financial grants, vouchers for post-production services, and invitations to the most important European co-production markets.


  • BALTIC, director: Iga Lis; producer: Stanisław Zaborowski – Silver Frame
  • SUBTLE BEINGS, director: Katarzyna Kural Sadowska; producer: Krzysztof Landsberg – Mediabrigade. 
  • FURTHER THAN THE HORIZON, director: Maciej Miller; producer: Jakub Maj – Maj Film
  • COPERNICUS IS ALIVE!, director: Łukasz Czajka; producer: Ewa Hoffman – ZPR Media.
  • LU, director: Ewa Chodzicka; producer: Helena Fikerová
  • THE FIRST SWALLOW, director: Joanna Rój, Sandro Wysocki, producer: Glib Lukianets – Gogol Film
  • POSTCARDS FROM UKRAINE, director: Tadeusz Chudy; producer: Marta Wierzbicka – Smart Films
  • LADY LUCK, director: Róża Misztela; producer: Anita Kwiatkowska-Naqvi – Lele Crossmedia Production
  • DIVIDED, director: Katarzyna Piórek; producer: Marta Dużbabel – Pinot Films
  • HOME MOVIE, director: Anu Czerwiński
  • ALL FOR PASSION, director: Dorota Migas-Mazur, Hanna Aqvilin; producer: Dorota Schleiss – ASF Studio
  • WHAT THE… HEN!, director: Joanna Deja; producer: Maciej Ostatek, Justyna Kluczewska  – Fundacja Raban!


  • ARIA DI BRAVURA, reżyseria: Małgorzata Goliszewska; produkcja: Wojciech Karubin – Movie Mates sp. Z o. o. 
  • CLAU I ESTRELLA, reżyseria: Paweł Tarasiewicz; produkcja: Paweł Tarasiewicz – Amondo Films.
  • DO PAINTERS DIE ELSEWHERE, director: Michał Pietrak; producer: Wiesław Łysakowski – Orient Film
  • WHEN HARMATTAN BLOWS, director: Edyta Wróblewska; producer: Edyta Wróblewska
  • NEIGHBOUR 22, director: Michał Szcześniak; producer: Joanna Banach – Kosmos Production
  • MY SUNNYSIDE, director: Matylda Kawka; producer: Matylda Kawka – Kawka Films
  • RUNA, director: Agnieszka Zwiefka; producer: Zofia Kujawska, Agnieszka Zwiefka – Chili Productions 
  • THREE MELODIES, director: Krzysztof Nowicki; producer: Justyna Cholewińska – Stowarzyszenie KolorOFFon

We would also like to remind you that you can apply to two other events until the end of March.

CEDOC Market – application here DOC LAB POLAND &UKRAINE – for Ukrainian projects

Kategoria: News.


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