KFF Industry: projects selected for CEDOC Market

26 projects have been selected to take part in CEDOC Market – the only international co-production market in Poland for documentary producers looking for Polish and foreign partners. They include documentaries from Poland, Great Britain, Estonia, Italy, Norway and Portugal.
This year’s CEDOC Market starts on 2 June and will last until 4 June 2021. The event is organised as part of DOC LAB POLAND by the Władysław Ślesicki Film Foundation, in cooperation with KFF Industry during the Krakow Film Festival.


The selected projects include films about family relations, spirituality, Italian gangs, a search for identity, abortion, the realities of life in an authoritarian state and the coronavirus pandemic. Their creators are renowned filmmakers who have won awards all over the world, backed up by experienced producers. The selection includes such documentaries as Blix by Greta Stocklassa, produced by Radovan Síbrt, who was also the producer of the film Touch Me Not by Adina Pintilie, which won the Golden Bear in 2018. Similarly, the producer of Velvet Generation, directed by Ivana Hucikova, is Jakub Viktorin from nutprodukcia – the company that co-produced Agnieszka Holland’s Spoor. Another selected project, Tommy Gulliksen’s Sound of Ice, was produced by Norwegian producer Thomas Robsahm of Oslo Pictures, co-creator of such high profile films as Joachim Trier’s Louder Than Bombs, starring Isabelle Huppert, and last year’s European Film Award nominee Hope by Maria Sødahl, starring Stellan Skarsgård. This year’s CEDOC Market selection is comprised of 12 Polish and 14 foreign projects. 

We received very diverse and extremely interesting projects. Some of them raise very hot topics, such as ‘5 Pills Away’ by Karolina Domagalska (prod. Anna Stylińska – My Way Studio) about four women running the Abortion Dream support group who overnight become the leaders of a revolution. Another example is ‘Shaman vs Putin’, directed by Beata Bubenec and Mikhail Bashkirov (prod. Nicolaï Iarochenko – Les Steppes Productions), about the Yakut shaman Alexander Gabyshev’s trek across Russia on foot to expel Vladimir Putin – the ‘Demon’ – from society. The selection also includes draft documentaries on a risky experiment undertaken together by a seemingly happy couple (‘Trust Me’, dir. Joanna Ratajczak, prod. Stanisław Zaborowski, Oliver Stoltz – Silver Frame), or on a group of young men giving up their everyday lives to join the Dominican novitiate (‘The Novice’, dir. Łukasz Woś, prod. Anna Gawlita – Kijora Film), or an unusual story about a deaf girl who starts working as a taxi driver in Moscow to take her closer to her dream of becoming a professional handball player (‘Don’t Cut Me Off’, dir. Marina Potapova, prod. Max Tuula, Maria Gavrilova – Marx Film), says Agnieszka Rostropowicz-Rutkowska, the market manager.

  • 5 PILLS AWAY, Director: Karolina Domagalska, Producer: Anna Stylińska – My Way Studio (Poland)
  • ARCTOWSKI, Director: Katarzyna Dąbkowska Producer: Ewa Żukowska – Studio Żuk (Poland)
  • ARIA DI BRAVURA, Director: Bartosz Blaschke, Producer: Wojciech Karubin – Movie Mates Sp. z o.o. (Poland) 
  • BLIX, Director: Greta Stocklassa, Producer: Radovan Síbrt – PINK  (Czech Republic, Sweden)
  • DON’T CUT ME OFF (Громкое такси), Director: Marina Potapova, Producer: Max Tuula – Marx Film (Estonia)
  • DREAMERS FROM SALLY (Marzyciele z Sally), Director: Julia Groszek, Producer: Justyna Kluczewska – Raban Foundation (Poland) 
  • ISLAND OF LOVE, Director: Svetlana Strelnikova, Producer: Frank Müller – Doppelplusultra Filmproduktion GmbH (Germany) 
  • ISOLATION (Izolyatsia), Director: Igor Minaev, Producer: Iurii Leuta – Trempel Films (Ukraine)
  • IUS SANGUINIS, Director: Laura Plebani, Producer: Giada Mazzoleni – Paguro Film (Poland, Italy, Great Britain) 
  • MAOMI, Director: Judith Olah, Producer: Annika Mayer – Majmun Films (Hungary, Germany) 
  • PROJECT UTOPIA, Director: Nicolas Muñoz, Frederick Bernas, Producers: Rocio Pichirili, Ana Gonzalez – Eye Rise Films / Groncho Estudio (Argentina, Spain, France)
  • QUEENS OF POLAND, Director: Sebastian Franke, Producer: Jürgen Kleinig – Neue Celluloid Fabrik (Germany)
  • RAP. STORIES (Rap. Historie), Director: Adrian Borowski, Producer: Kinga Mielnik (Poland)
  • SHAMAN VS PUTIN  (Shaman protiv Putina), Director: Beata Bubenec, Mikhail Bashkirov, Producer: Nicolaï Iarochenko – Les Steppes Productions (France, Russia)
  • SOUND OF ICE (Lyden av is), Director: Tommy Gulliksen, Producer: Thomas Robsahm – Oslo Pictures (Norway)
  •  THE IMPERISHABLE MAN (Nieprzemijalny), Director: Kamil Napierski, Producer: Kamila Klimowicz – Foundation for Underwater Archaeology (Poland)
  • THE NOVICE (Nowicjusz), Director: Łukasz Woś, Producer: Anna Gawlita – Kijora Film (Poland)
  • THE SEA WARRIOR, Director: Sohel Rahman, Producer: Sohel Rahman – Green Meadows Pictures / Vila Do Cinema (Portugal)
  • THE ULTIMATE JOKER, Director: Krzysztof Dzięciołowski, Producer: Agata Jujeczka – Vision House Productions Sp. z o.o. (Poland)
  • THIN PLACES, Director: Inesa Kurklietytė, Producer: Paul W Nethercott – AMMI / Studio Nethercott (Ireland) 
  • TOWARDS THE SUN (W stronę słońca) Director: Agnieszka Kokowska, Producers: Sławomir Richert, Michał Zamencki – Warsaw Production Team Sp. z o.o. (Poland)
  • TRAP LORD RISING, Director: Gianluca Orru, Producer: Gianluca De Angelis – Tekla Films (Italy)
  • TRUST ME, Director: Joanna Ratajczak Producers: Stanisław Zaborowski, Oliver Stoltz – Silver Frame (Poland)
  • VELVET GENERATION, Director: Ivana Hucikova, Producers: Monika Lostakova, Jakub Viktorin – nutprodukcia (Slovakia)
  • WELCOME TO NEW KARABASH, Director: Olga Delane, Producer: Marta Kowalska – Arkana Studio (Poland, Russia, Germany)
  • WHEN THE WIND BECOMES SILENT  (Kiedy umilknie wiatr), Director: Mateusz Gołębiewski, Producer: Małgorzata Prociak – ZK Studio Sp. z o.o. (Poland)

CEDOC MARKET (Central European Documentary Market, formerly DOC LAB POLAND Co-Production Market) aims to enable documentary producers and directors to establish contacts with partners in other countries, with whom, or thanks to whom, they will be able to make their films. This year’s edition with be the seventh time the event has been held. During the CEDOC Market, producers have the chance to meet potential co-producers and present their projects to one another – with each producer thus playing a double role. This significantly increases the possibilities of expanding their network of contacts and allows multi-track activities aimed at developing creative collaborations between creators and producers from all over Europe, adds Katarzyna Ślesicka, head of CEDOC and deputy director of Doc Lab Poland. In previous editions, the market was attended by leading European production companies and over 60 decision makers from around the world. During this three-day event, there will be individual one-on-one meetings as well as the presentation of projects participating in the DOC LAB POLAND’s Docs to Start programme. 

CEDOC MARKET is organised by DOC LAB POLAND in cooperation with KFF Industry during the Krakow Film Festival. Earlier editions of the event featured productions such as Wika! by Agnieszka Zwiefka, Diagnosis by Ewa Podgórska, Pollywood by Paweł Ferdek, Village of Swimming Cows by Katarzyna Trzaska, An Ordinary Country by Tomasz Wolski, Opera About Poland by Piotr Stasik and The Last Expedition by Eliza Kubarska.

Kategoria: News.


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