KFF schedule for autumn

In the nearest few weeks you can meet us at film festivals in Jihlava, Leipzig, Copenhagen and Amsterdam.

Autumn is the busiest time for our programmers, the call for entries has been announced, the hunt for new films for 55th edition has commenced. During the nearest few weeks you can meet the representatives of Krakow Film Festival at the following film festivals:

  • Jihlava IDFF (23 – 28 October): Barbara Orlicz-Szczypuła, Director of the Programme Office
  • DOK Leipzig (27 October – 2 November): Krzysztof Gierat, Festival Director and Katarzyna Wilk, Coordinator of the Industry Zone
  • CPH: DOX, Copenhagen (6-16 November): Katarzyna Wilk, Coordinator of the Industry Zone
  • IDFA Amsterdam (19-30 November): Krzysztof Gierat, Festival Director, Barbara Orlicz-Szczypuła, Director of the Programme Office and Katarzyna Wilk, Coordinator of the Industry Zone

If you want to schedule the meeting, the contact details could be found here.

Kategoria: News.


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