Krzysztof Gierat with prestigious award

Krzysztof Gierat, KFF director awarded with Krakowskie Nagrody Allianz (Krakow Allianz Awards).

It is our pleasure to announce that Krzysztof Gierat, Krakow Film Festival director, was awarded with Krakowskie Nagrody Allianz (Krakow Allianz Awards) in the Culture category.

The awards ceremony took place last night in Juliusz Slowacki Theatre in Krakow. Journalist Magdalena Kursa and prof. Agnieszka Zalewska were appreciated in the Media and Science categories respectively.

Allianz Polska has been granting Krakow Allianz Awards to honour the most outstanding intellectuals, academics, journalists, as well as organisers of cultural activities and artists from Malopolska region since 2000. 

Kategoria: News.


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