The Voice

Poland2022documentary73'Konkurs polski (2022)

The Jesuit Order novitiate is a severe form of a trial. During two years of isolation from society and the comforts of civilisation, young men have enough time to ponder the question: Is the religious life for me? In the documentary by Dominika Montean-Pańków, we can see, among other things, the first lectures for future clergy. ‘If you sit in a shack, you will see the fruits in everyday life’, says an elderly monk. Wojciech Staroń’s shots of the desert define the symbolic horizon of the experience of the novices, and the steady rhythm of Adam Bałdych’s score creates an aura of meditation.

directed by
Dominika Montean-Pańków, portret reżysera
Dominika Montean-Pańków

Film director. She is a graduate of English Philology from the Jagiellonian University and Film Directing from the Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia. Her documentaries include, among others, The March of Solitary Women, awarded at the Debut Film Festival in Koszalin in 2007, Kazimierz Is Open and For a Hatful of Pears. She is the author of the film The Author Leaves made as part of the Munk Studio’s Youth Debuts programme. Her latest work is a full-length documentary, The Voice.

Wojciech Staroń
Dominika Montean-Pańków
Adam Bałdych
Piotr Pastuszak, Leszek Freund
Milenia Fiedler
Zbigniew Domagalski (Kalejdoskop Film)
Kadr z filmu The Voice