
11 films
The protagonist of possibly the best picture by Krzysztof Zanussi, awarded with the Grand Prix in Locarno in 1973 keeps searching for the truth about himself and the world with a desire to find enlightenment. Such illumination is also required by the characters of the films screened and awarded at prestigious film festivals as well as their authors in order to create outstanding works of art not lending themselves well to simple interpretation.
  • Been There (Być tam)

    dir. Corina Schwingruber Ilić

    Weekend trips, city breaks, a detour into nature or once around the world. Barely a few days off, you're already gone. Never before has the desire to travel been so widespread and visited places so overloaded. What do we get out of it, other than the picture proof that we have been there?

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    film still Been There
  • Bottlemen (Zbieracze butelek)

    dir. Nemanja Vojinović

    On the outskirts of Serbia’s capital, Belgrade, lies one of the biggest landfills in Europe – Vinča. Once an archeological site of the European neolithic, this toxic place, unsettled by fires, is a workplace for a community of plastic bottle collectors – Bottlemen.

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  • Claw Machine (CLAW MACHINE)

    dir. Georges Salameh

    The story of an immersion into the experience of being uprooted. Fragments and words. The unspoken, the indescribable. Memory shaken. Eyes closed. The city is under siege. Drift towards the unknown. The dilemma: resistance or migration? Mediterranean voyages of no return.

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    film still Claw Machine
  • Distances (Odległości)

    dir. Matej Bobrik

    The story of a Nepalese family living in Poland who believe that a better future awaits them here. However, a change in living conditions puts their relationship to a severe test

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    film still Distances
  • Horse Portrait (Portret konia)

    dir. Witold Giersz
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  • Purga

    dir. Gintarė Valevičiūtė Brazauskienė, Antanas Skučas

    Winter, 1942. Beyond the Arctic Circle, on the uninhabited island of Trofimovsk in the Laptev Sea, deported peoples struggle to survive. In this harsh, alien landscape, man is a mere speck.

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  • Resentment (Obraza)

    dir. Gleb Osatinski

    17-year-old Yasha is rebelling against authority, but in 1990's Soviet Ukraine some of the opposing forces are more dangerous than others. When Yasha hits his breaking point, raw impulses propel him to the precipice of irreparable harm.

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    film still Resentment
  • Smiling Georgia (ღიმილიანი საქართველო)

    dir. Luka Beradze

    Elderly population of village No Name is left teethless after a failed 2012 pre-election campaign "Smiling Georgia". Will their lives change as new promises and guarantees are made to them in sight of 2020 elections?

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    film still Smiling Georgia
  • The Masterpiece (La Gran Obra)

    dir. Álex Lora

    Leo and Diana, a rich couple, bring a broken TV to a recycle point. They meet Salif and his son, two scrap dealers. Diana asks them to come to their house to get more objects. Once there, Leo looks at them collecting objects with mistrust, until they see the scrap dealers have something they want.

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  • Via Dolorosa

    dir. Rachel Gutgarts

    Ten days before the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, the animation artist returns to the streets of Jerusalem. Trying to find her lost youth, she captures fleeting images of the city's vibrant nightlife. A bold, subjective look at coming of age in a city laden with history and rituals, uncompromisingly blending the sacred with the profane.

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  • Wander to Wonder

    dir. Nina Gantz

    Mary, Billybud and Fumbleton are three miniature, human actors who perform in an eighties kids TV series called “Wander to Wonder”. After the creator of the series has died, they are left alone in the studio. With their slowly decaying costumes and growing hunger, they continue to make increasingly strange episodes for their fans.

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    film still Wander to Wonder