Screening with Polish audio description

6 films
As every year, the Krakow Film Festival is going to feature films with audio descriptions and captions. Audiences at two festival cinemas will have the opportunity to see Only Day and Night by Grzegorz Brzozowski and Are You Here? by Xawery Deskur. More titles will be available on KFF VOD. All these films have been invited to the National Competition.
  • Are You There? [PL audio descritption] (Jesteś tu?)

    dir. Xawery Deskur

    DJ Edee Dee aka Edward Gil-Deskur, is an iconic figure in Krakow’s club world. Edward was born with congenital glaucoma and will soon completely lose his eyesight. In his adaptation to the new reality, he is assisted by AI, with whom he begins to form an increasingly closer relationship.

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    film still Are You There? [PL audio descritption]
  • A Year In the Life of the Country [PL audio description] (Rok z życia kraju)

    dir. Tomasz Wolski

    Martial law, which was imposed in Poland on 13 December 1981, targeted the Solidarity movement, but it had other faces, too. On the basis of exclusively archival footage, the film explores the backstage of the past events. It undermines the mythicised image of Polish society as a victim of the system.

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    film still A Year In the Life of the Country [PL audio description]
  • Do You Hear Me? [ PL audio description] (Słyszysz mnie?)

    dir. Magdalena Sienicka

    Danusia lives alone. For years, each of her days has consisted of the same activities: cooking, looking at old photos and calling her grandson, who stays in a foster care facility.

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    film still Do You Hear Me? [ PL audio description]
  • Everything Needs to Live [PL audio description] (Wszystko ma żyć)

    dir. Tetiana Dorodnitsyna, Andrii Lytvynenko

    Whoever saves one life, saves the entire world – that’s the motto of Anna, the strongest woman in the world, who loves animals. After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Anna joined by a group of volunteers are doing everything possible to save as many wounded and abandoned animals as they can in these difficult days.

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    film still Everything Needs to Live [PL audio description]
  • Here For You [PL audio description] (Jestem)

    dir. Cezary Orłowski

    Bartek’s mother would like to prepare her son for the worst and at the same time the inevitable, i.e. her own death. She secures his financial and legal future, teaches him what to do when the time comes. And although the boy with trisomy is an attentive listener, completely different thoughts have absorbed his mind and his heart. He has just met a wonderful girl.

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    film still Here For You [PL audio description]
  • Only Day And Night [PL audio description] (Tylko dzień i noc)

    dir. Grzegorz Brzozowski

    In the pandemic, during the strict lockdown period, human contacts were limited. Online conversations became the most common way of communication. The director employed them to talk to people stuck alone at home, just like him. What were they afraid of? How were they doing?

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    film still Only Day And Night [PL audio description]