Culture and art

11 films
Fascinating biographies of artists from the world of film, painting, contemporary art and sculpture.
  • Alice On & Off

    dir. Isabela Tent

    For 10 years, the film author observed the life of the film character who as a teenager gave birth to a child from her relationship with a much older man. The film is a story of subsequent disappearances of Alice – a sensitive girl and an artist looking desperately for her own way and fleeing from her demons.

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  • Babylonia (Babilonia)

    dir. Duda Gambogi

    It is a hot night in Cuba. During her long-awaited debut on the stage of the biggest drag show in the entire province of Artemisa, Elizabeth de Victória must confront all the difficulties that precede a live performance.

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    film still Babylonia
  • Baldiga - Unlocked Heart (Baldiga - Entsichertes Herz)

    dir. Markus Stein

    In the 1980s, West Berlin was the European LGBT+ capital. Jürgen Baldiga, a photographer, poet and activist, became its co-founder and chronicler. The archival materials he left behind were used to tell a neurotic story about himself and the community living in the shadow of AIDS. Age rated: 18+

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  • Flowers of Ukraine (Kwiaty Ukrainy)

    dir. Adelina Borets

    On a flowery plot of land, in the middle of a block of flates in Kiev lives 67-year-old Natalia, who has been fighting for years against investors who would like to build another property in place of her house. And just when it seems that fighting the developers is the worst thing that happens to her, Russia's attack on Ukraine begins.

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    film still Flowers of Ukraine
  • I Am the Creation of Fiction (Jestem postacią fikcyjną)

    dir. Arkadiusz Bartosiak

    ‘I have achieved all I wanted in life’, says Andrzej Seweryn, who then grabs us on a dynamic journey through successive professional challenges, which he still takes up with youthful fervour. The camera becomes his everyday companion helping us to see from up close all the emotions as they arise.

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    film still I Am the Creation of Fiction
  • I, Rosiński (Ja, Rosiński)

    dir. Piotr Kielar

    Grzegorz Rosiński, one of the most renowned Polish comic strip creators and the author of drawings for the series ‘Thorgal’, has retired. But what does it mean for an artist to end his career? Rosiński keeps drawing and plans to leave the profession on his own rules only.

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    film still I, Rosiński
  • Ouvidor

    dir. Matias Borgström

    In Ouvidor, the largest art squat in Latin America, 120 artists from different countries resist constant eviction threats from a government with fascist tendencies in Brazil, while internal tensions are fueled by Red Bull's sponsorship of their Art Biennial.

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  • The Illustrated Woman (La mujer ilustrada)

    dir. Isabel Herguera

    Ramia, Saadiya, Shubhashree and Samira are women with different experiences and dreams who meet at a henna tattoo workshop run by Isabel. Their stories in combination with the technique of collage and live henna tattoo design make a documentary animation which screams loud and clear for freedom and equality.

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    film still The Illustrated Woman
  • The Masterpiece (La Gran Obra)

    dir. Álex Lora

    Leo and Diana, a rich couple, bring a broken TV to a recycle point. They meet Salif and his son, two scrap dealers. Diana asks them to come to their house to get more objects. Once there, Leo looks at them collecting objects with mistrust, until they see the scrap dealers have something they want.

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    film still The Masterpiece
  • The Power of Resistance (Siła oporu)

    dir. Elżbieta Benkowska

    Olga’s political idealism and hopes for a better future are put to the hardest of tests. The authoritarian, omniscient communist authorities are determined to break down the actress when her father is in hospital fighting for his life, while her husband is in prison. Olga needs to make a choice.

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    film still The Power of Resistance
    Awards:Special Mention
  • This Peculiar Day (Tento divný deň)

    dir. Emilia Ondriasova

    Martin has it all: his own art gallery, an intelligent wife, a nice apartment and an organised and settled life. This may be the core of the problem - his everyday life is overwhelmed by all-encompassing boredom or, simply, the mid-life crisis. He decides to face it in the most mature way: by running away.

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    film still This Peculiar Day