Unusual stories captured in documentaries, animations that surpass the limits of imagination and feature films
Polish films in the international competitions
Bitten, dir. Helena Oborska It’s Good Like That, dir. Marcin Sauter The Tough, dir. Marcin Polar
59. Krakow Film Festival will be opened on 26h May with a screening of “TheWind. A Documentary Thriller” directed by Michał Bielawski. The documentary showcasing the destructive force of the
Polish productions will also be showcased in the international short film competition. Short documentaries, feature films
The Polish animations will be represented this year by “Portrait of Suzanne” by Izabela Plucińska – a grotesque story of a man whose foot turns into Suzanne’sformer lover, made in the plasticine animation technique for which the
Vitae Azilia, dir. Joanna Wapniewska Portrait of Suzanne, dir. Izabela Plucińska ACID RAIN, dir. Tomek Popakul
Polish competition of the 59th Krakow FilmFestival
– This will be a young artists’ competition. In their documentaries they once again direct the lens on to their close ones, although it also happens that they reach to the history of our country, to tell a story with their camera that is dramatic, individual, but important for us all. Even in miniatures, they search for inspiration in the lives of their grandparents. And as always, the animation tries to look at our world from a distance, from the perspective of the universe – theDirector of the Festival Krzysztof Gierat comments on the selection.
Documentaries in the Polish competition are both very intimate pictures of the family, as in “And We’ll Be Happy Again” by Krzysztof Wołżański or “The Last Voyage” by Stanisław
– The subject of the family returns to the Krakow Film Festival. It is here not for the first time, but this year it clearly appears in a quite interesting, perhaps even surprising variant: the story in which the grandparents of the main characters are entangled in. History turns out to be still alive, it is not a closed chapter, because
– Equally often the family is portrayed in the process of trauma or adaptation to the new situation. Sometimes it is a child’s partner that is not accepted by their parents or a move to another city. At other times the topic is loss and the emptiness that is left behind – the death that destroys everything. At other times it is some sort of
– In the Polish
One shouldn’t miss the animations saturated with the atmosphere of anxiety such as Grzegorz Koncewicz’s The Idol, and Mateusz Jarmulski’s The Hunt as well as films commenting on contemporary society like Piotr Milczarek’s “Rain” or”Story” by Jola Bańkowska and the funny, crazy and even surreal stories like “Kaprysia” Betina Bożek or “Metro” by Natalia Krawczuk.
Panorama of the Polish Documentary Film
– In the Panorama of the Polish Documentary Film, we are bragging with what is the
Thanks to this section, viewers from Krakow will take a journey to Łódź thanks to Ewa Podgórska’s film “Diagnosis”, get to know the story of a neighboring community and a couple of Warsaw tenement owners regained in the reprivatization in “Zlota Street”, a documentary by Tomasz Knittel,and take part in an expedition to K2 thanks “The Last Mountain” by Dariusz Załuski.
This year, the panorama of the Polish documentaries also showcases the portraits of
Polish films in non-competitive sections of the festival and special screenings
Polish films can be found in almost every section of this year’s festival. In the “Stories from the world” section, the Polish-Australian production “Polish Missionaries” by Simon Target will be presented. Target travels by kayak to inaccessible corners of Papua New Guinea, where Polish missionaries and missionaries help the local community build a better future.
In the “Laureates of Festivals” section we can find Paweł Ziemilski’s “In Touch”, awarded at IDFA festival, presenting the village of Stare Juchy, from where most of the residents emigrated to Iceland. The second winner of the Amsterdam festival, which will be shown in Krakow, is a short documentary “I Dance for You” by Katarzyna Lesisz. This section will also featureMałgorzata Bosek-Serafińska’s “Year” animation, awarded at the Etiuda& Anima festival, dedicated to the memory of Marek Serafiński. It’s a diary made up of paper everyday waste like labels, price tags, tickets, etc. and cigarette packages burned by an addict.
To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Documentary and Feature Film Studios and Educational Film Studios, special screenings of the Polish documentary classics by Bogdan Dziworski, Kazimierz Karabasz, Władysław Ślesicki, Jerzy Hoffman, Edward Skórzewski and Krzysztof Kieślowski will take place. The screenings will take place in an extraordinary setting – the interior of the Barbican, a medieval fortification in the center of Krakow.
During this edition of the Krakow Film Festival, the 15th anniversary of the death of Maciej Szumowski, a Krakow journalist and filmmaker, the legendary editor-in-chief of “Gazeta Krakowska”, will be celebrated. In the program “Around Szumowski” in addition to films by Maciej Szumowski, the works of his children – Małgorzata Szumowska and Wojciech Szumowski will also be presented.
International documentary competition
O zwierzętach i ludziach / Of Animals and Men, reż./dir. Łukasz Czajka (PL),2019, D, 55ʼ
Wiatr.Thriller dokumentalny / The Wind. A Documentary Thriller,reż./dir. Michał Bielawski (PL, SK), 2019, D, 75ʼ
International short film competition
ACID RAIN, reż./dir. Tomek Popakul (PL), 2019, A, 27ʼ
Harda / The Tough, reż./dir. Marcin Polar (PL), 2019, D, 14’
Połączeni / Connected, reż./dir. Aleksandra Maciejczyk (PL), 2018, D, 18ʼ
Portret Suzanne / Portrait of Suzanne, reż./dir. Izabela Plucińska (PL, DE, FR), 2019,A, 15ʼ
Tak jest dobrze / It’s Good Like That, reż./dir. Marcin Sauter (PL), 2019, F, 23ʼ
Ukąszenie / Bitten, reż./dir. Helena Oborska (PL), 2019, F, 24ʼ
Vitae Azilia, reż./dir. Joanna Wapniewska (PL), 2019, A, 7ʼ
Documentary films:
19.91, reż./dir. Emilia Śniegoska (PL), 2019, D, 25ʼ
Cienie imperium / Shadows of the Empire, reż./dir. Karol Starnawski (PL), 2018, D, 76ʼ
Czysta sztuka / Pure Art, reż./dir. Maksim Shved (PL, BY), 2019, D, 52’
Dziś, jutro… wczoraj / Today, Tomorrow… Yesterday, reż./dir. Diana Kadłubowska, Krzysztof Kadłubowski (PL), 2019, D, 52’
Fuck, it’s Biology, reż./dir. Veronica Andersson (PL), 2019, D, 29’, D, 29’
Harda / The Tough, reż./dir. Marcin Polar (PL), 2019, D, 14’
Historia krótkiego trwania / A short story / reż./dir. Michał Ciechomski (PL), 2019, D, 14’
I znów będziemy szczęśliwi / And We’ll Be Happy Again, reż./dir. Krzysztof Wołżański (PL), 2019, D, 22’
Jeszcze porozmawiamy / We Will Talk Again, reż./dir. Mateusz Buława (PL), 2019, D, 21’
Listy do Artura / Letters to A., reż./dir. Wiktoria Szymańska (PL, SUI), 2019, D, 56ʼ
Love 404, reż./dir. Agata Baumgart (PL), 2018, D, 17ʼ
Mój kraj taki piękny / My Country SoBeautiful, reż./dir. Grzegorz Paprzycki (PL), 2019, D, 29ʼ
No Direction Home, reż./dir. Paweł Wysoczański (PL), 2019, D, 79ʼ
Oko boga / Eye of God, reż./dir. Igor Kawecki (PL), 2019, D, 17ʼ
Koniec sezonu / The End of the Season , reż./dir. Stanisław Cuske (PL), 2019, D, 19ʼ
O zwierzętach i ludziach / Of Animals and Men, reż./dir. Łukasz Czajka (PL), 2019, D, 55ʼ
Połączeni / Connected, reż./dir. Aleksandra Maciejczyk (PL), 2018, D, 18ʼ
Strawberry Boys, reż./dir. Michał Toczek (PL), 2018, D, 20ʼ
Summa, reż./dir. Andrej Kuciła (PL), 2018, D, 50ʼ
Syndrom zimowników / The Antarctic Syndrome, reż./dir. Piotr Jaworski (PL), 2019, D, 73ʼ
Wiatr. Thriller dokumentalny / The Wind. A Documentary Thriller, reż./dir. Michał Bielawski (PL, SK), 2019, D, 75ʼ
Animated films:
ACID RAIN, reż./dir. Tomek Popakul (PL), 2019, A, 27ʼ
Cyborgia / Cyborgy, reż./dir. Adam Żądło (PL), 2018, A, 8’
Deszcz / Rain, reż./dir. Piotr Milczarek (PL), 2018, A, 5ʼ
Duszyczka / The Little Soul, reż./dir. Barbara Rupik (PL), 2019, A, 9’
Idol, reż./dir. Grzegorz Koncewicz, Marek Serafiński (PL), 2018, A, 13’
Kaprysia / Tha Land of Whim, reż./dir. Betina Bożek (PL), 2019, A, 8ʼ
Łowy / The Hunt, reż./dir. Mateusz Jarmulski (PL), 2018, A, 9ʼ
Metro, reż./dir. Natalia Krawczuk (PL), 2019, A, 11ʼ
Portret Suzanne / Portrait of Suzanne, reż./dir. Izabela Plucińska (PL, DE, FR), 2019, A, 15ʼ
Re-Cycle, reż./dir. Mateusz Lenart (PL), 2019, A, 6ʼ
Red Light Train, reż./dir. Alicja Kot (PL), 2019, A, 10ʼ
Story, reż./dir. Jola Bańkowska (PL), 2019, A, 5ʼ
Vitae Azilia, reż./dir. Joanna Wapniewska (PL), 2019, A, 7ʼ
Short feature films:
Czarny charakter / Roots, reż./dir. Kuba Gryżewski (PL), 2019, F, 14’
Kamuflaż / Camouflage, reż./dir. Aleksandra Świerk (PL), 2018, F, 19ʼ
Moje serce / My Heart, reż./dir. Damian Kocur (PL), 2019, F, 30ʼ
Na strajk! / On Straik!, reż./dir. StanisławHorodecki (PL), 2019, F, 26ʼ
Nie zmieniaj tematu / Don’t Change the Topic, reż./dir. Hubert Patynowski (PL), 2019, F, 30ʼ
Nigdy dobrze / Never Good, reż./dir. Paweł Powolny (PL), 2019, F, 17ʼ
Okno z widokiem na ścianę / View to the Wall, reż./dir. Kobas Laksa (PL), 2019, F, 29ʼ
Przejście graniczne / Border Crossing, reż./dir. Agnieszka Chmura (PL), 2019, F, 15ʼ
Pustostan / Vacancy, reż./dir. AgataTrzebuchowska (PL), 2019, F, 29ʼ
Rykoszety / Ricochets, reż./dir. Jakub Radej (PL), 2019, F, 30ʼ
Tak jest dobrze / It’s Good Like That, reż./dir. Marcin Sauter (PL), 2019, F, 23ʼ
Ukąszenie / Bitten, reż./dir. Helena Oborska (PL), 2019, F, 24ʼ
Diagnosis, reż./dir. Ewa Podgórska (PL), 2018, D, 78ʼ
Dziwor / Weirdy, reż./dir. Paweł Dyllus (PL), 2019, D, 29ʼ
Fateicz i morze / Fatei and the Sea, reż./dir.Alina Rudnitskaya i Siergiej Vinokurov (RUS, PL, FIN), 2019, D, 76ʼ
Niepamiętnik / I remember, reż./dir. Kamila Józefowicz (PL), 2019, D, 69ʼ
Ostatnia Góra / The Last Mountain, reż./dir. Dariusz Załuski (PL), 2018, D, 83ʼ
Ostatni Swing / The Last Swing, reż./dir. Tomasz Garncarek (PL), 2019, D, 67ʼ
Szukając Tereski / Searching for Tereska, reż./dir. Kama Veymont (PL), 2019, D, 65ʼ
Złota / Zlota, reż./dir. Tomasz Knittel (PL), 2019, D, 84ʼ