Accreditations and passes

Booking accreditations for industry and passes for audience is now possible.

Applying for industry and media accreditations is now possible. Deadline is 13th May 2011, but till 22nd April discount prices apply: option ‘Industry’ allows you to participate in the Festival and Krakow Film Market (180 PLN), option ‘Festival’ enables participation in all festival screenings and costs 150 PLN, accreditation for media is 60 PLN. 
Since 22nd April prices are accordingly: 220 / 200 / 100 PLN.

Booking passes for the Festival is also possible now. Book your pass till 10th May and get discount – 80 PLN regular fare and 50 PLN discount fare for students.

We have discount for tickets as well – screenings before 5 p.m. only 5 PLN!

More information about tickets and passes: HERE

Accreditation forms: HERE

Kategoria: News.


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