Screening of the awarded films

The awarded films will be screened tomorrow at MOS-1.

The programme of the screening of the awarded films at Małopolski Ogród Sztuki:

12.00 – The Queen of Silence, (Agnieszka Zwiefka)

14.00 – Hotel 22 (reż. Elizabeth Lo) + The Tale Of Love, Madness And Death (Mijael Bustos Gutiérrez) + Limbo Limbo Travel (Zsuzsanna Kreif, Borbála Zétényi) + The Free Man (Quah Boon-Lip) + This Place We Call Our Home (Sybilla Tuxen, Thora Lorentzen)

16.00 – Casa Blanca (Agnieszka Maciuszek) + A Blue Room (Tomasz Siwiński) + Story of Nothing (Grzegorz Jaroszuk)

18.00 – We Can’t Live Without Cosmos (Konstantin Bronzit) + Call Me Marianna (Karolina Bielawska)

20.00 – Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck (Brett Morgen)

Kategoria: News.


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