Screenings in Białystok

In October at Forum cinema in Białystok screenings of films awarded at 50th KFF will take place.

In October at Forum cinema in Białystok scrennings of the films awarded during 50th Krakow Film Festival will take place. 

Screening 1 – 4th October (Monday), 6 P.M.

BEYOND THIS PLACE, dir. Kaleo La Belle, Switzerland 2010, 95’ – Golden Horn for the Best Documentary Film over 60 minutes category

Screening 2 – 11th October (Monday), 6 P.M

SCREENING AT THE TATRY CINEMA dir. Igor Chojna, Poland 2010, 27’ – Silver Hobby-Horse for director of the best documentary film
DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK ROOM, dir. Kuba Czekaj, Poland 2009, 35’ – The Silver Hobby-Horse for the Director of the Best Fiction Film
THE DOG HILL, dir. Grzegorz Zariczny, Poland 2010, 39’ – The Maciej Szumowski Award and Honorary Diploma in documentary competition
DECLARATION OF IMMORTALITY, dir. Marcin Koszałka, Poland 2010, 29’ – The President of the Association of Polish Filmmakers Award, Award of the Student Jury of the national competition, People’s Choice Award

Screening 3 – 18th October (Monday), 6 P.M

dir. Jay Rosenblatt, USA 2009, 26’ –  The Silver Dragon for the Director of the Best Short Documentary Film
1000 VOICES, dir. Tim Travers Hawkins, UK, 8′ – The Silver Dragon for the Director of the Best Short Animated Film
INCIDENT BY A BANK, dir. Ruben Östlund, Sweden 2010, 12’ – 
 The Silver Dragon for the Director of the Best Short Fiction Film
TUSSILAGO, dir. Jonas Odell, Sweden 2009, 14’ – Krakow Short Film Nominee For The European Film Awards 2010
WHERE IS KIM BASINGER?, dir. Edouard Deluc, France-Argentina 2009, 28’ – The FICC
CICADA, dir. Amiel Courtin-Wilson, Australia 2009, 9′ – The Honourable Mention in short film competition

Screening 4 – 25th October (Monday), 6 P.M

dir. Marc Isaacs, UK 2009, 58’ – The Silver Horn for Special Artistic Merit in the 30-60 Minutes Category
OSADNE, dir. Marko Škop, Slovakia-Czech Republic  2009, 65’ – The Honourable Mention in documentary competition

Tickets: single screening – 8 PLN, pass for 4 screenings – 24 PLN
Kategoria: News.


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