Thank you and see you next year!

The 55th KFF ended. 56th KFF will be held form May 29 to 5 June 2016.

55th Krakow Film Festival ended. The time to take stock has not come yet, but now we would like to give thanks to:

Our Supporters
– authorities of the City of Krakow, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Polish Film Institute and authorities of Małopolska Voivodeship; as well as Polish Filmmakers Association – co-organizer of the festival, Polish Television – our Main Partner, Tauron Dystrybucja S.A and all our Partners for their support, thanks to which the festival takes place and grows ;

All our Viewers – for their numerous presence at the screenings and associated events, for being active at the meetings with Filmmakers;

Filmmakers and Producers
of all films shown at the 55th KFF for the powerful dose of emotions which they provided us thanks to their wonderful films;

for their difficult and intensive work, which allowed to choose this year’s winners;

Media patrons, journalists and bloggers
, who tirelessly related the festival events and reviewed films from our programme to help the viewers choose from among the wealth of films we offered;

the Hosts of the festival cinemas
for supporting and hosting both us and our Viewers for the entire 8 days;

And finally, our Volunteers – thank you for your commitment, for the time devoted to the festival, your smiles and help, without which the 55th KFF could not have happened.

Come next year! 56th Krakow Film Festival is held from May 29 to June 5.



Kategoria: News.


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